Poetry Quotes about Family

Memories of our family and childhood are what shape our personality and who we are. Whether we like it or not, our personality is formed by our parents, brothers, sisters, and the environment that we grew up in. For some interacting with their family feels like more bother than it is worth. They cut off ties with their families and make up pseudo families made up of chosen friends. This is OK as long as we realize that our past continues to affect who we are. We can only grow as people when we choose to confront our past. Only then can we move forward in our lives.

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A Tribute To Family

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We have a lot to be thankful for,
the memories through the years,
the many times together,
full of laughter, full of tears.

- Michelle A. Moran

A Family Is Like A Circle

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A family is like a circle;
the connection never ends.

- Nicole M. O'Neil

Family Quote

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Just as the earth
goes through seasons,
so does a family
in the course of time endure seasons

Family Friend Poems


The Bond Of Family

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is the strong tie
that holds you
to the ground.

- Michelle Peters

These Are The Ties That Bond

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Your family,
they're usually the first to work your nerves,
but they are also the first
to help heal your hurts.

- Erica C. McClendon

Quote About The Value Of A Family

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Families aren't meant to be perfect,
just available, loving,
and caring
in the time of need.

- Betty Jean Henderson-McQuarters-Young

Quote On The Importance Of Staying In Touch With Family

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We should not waste another day
In doing things we'd rather
Instead we should reach out once more
Because our family matters

Martha Anderson

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