Sweet Love Poems

Sweet Love Poems

Sweet Poems of Love From The Heart

The sweet love poem is the one that gives you a good feeling when you read it. You almost smack your lips because it tastes so good in your mouth. Love is such a powerful emotion that a good love poem can taste delicious in your mouth. When you are one with your lover it is a very sweet feeling. There may be chaos in all areas of your life but when you come home to the person that you love the most in the world, nothing else matters.

36 Sweet Love Poems for Him and Her

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  1. 1. If You Forget Me

    Famous Poem

    I want you to know
    one thing.

    You know how this is:

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    Once during the elective courses I teach - visualisation of poems by different poets- one of my students made a video artwork with her own drawings, illustrating this poem. It is one of the...

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  3. 2. Don't Go Far Off, Not Even For A Day

    Famous Poem

    Don't go far off, not even for a day, because --
    because -- I don't know how to say it: a day is long
    and I will be waiting for you, as in an empty station
    when the trains are parked off somewhere else, asleep.

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    I really feel the same when she is away.

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  5. 3. Invitation To Love

    Famous Poem

    Come when the nights are bright with stars
    Or come when the moon is mellow;
    Come when the sun his golden bars
    Drops on the hay-field yellow.

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  6. 4. Will You Ever?

    • By Kaitlyn M. Yawn
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

    I don't think you will
    Ever fully understand
    How you've touched my life
    And made me who I am.

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    This poem brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart. It said everything I wanted to say but never knew how to put it in words. It showed so much love and gratitude and much more. Continue...

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  7. 5. My Promise

    • By Dan P. Brown
    • Published by Family Friend Poems February 2018 with permission of the Author.

    If you were my rose, then I'd be your sun,
    painting you rainbows when the rains come.
    I'd change my orbit to banish the night,
    as to keep you in my nurturing light.

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    An absolutely beautiful love poem. I love the way the poet is using comparisons to express the emotions of love and devotion in such a deep, romantic and poetic way. Beautifully written and...

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  8. 6. My Everything

    • By Dean Coombes
    • Published by Family Friend Poems February 2013 with permission of the Author.

    You're my love, my life,
    The air that I breathe.
    You're my soul, my happiness,
    The all that I need.

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    I loved a boy. I saw him and I had never felt it before. It was a lightning bolt through my heart and soul. His hands were warm, and his smile was warmer, and his kiss melted me. But he hurt...

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  9. 7. What Do I See In You?

    • By Shelagh Bullman
    • Published by Family Friend Poems September 2010 with permission of the Author.

    What do I see in you? Oh boy. Oh boy,
    I see mountains and rivers, a lifetime of joy,
    I see the sun shining on the greyest day,
    I see clouds of silver lining my way,

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  10. 8. God's Gift To Me

    • By Kerry R. DeVore
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

    You are my sunshine.
    You are my shining star.
    Everything I'm not,
    You are.

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    The poem conveys the intensity of feelings in a sweet and calm manner. That's the beauty of conveyor. The poem delights the reader's heart. I, myself, feel on cloud nine after reading this...

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  11. 9. Life With You

    • By Greg Thung
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2015 with permission of the Author.

    You taught me how beautiful life is,
    Everything from your words, your touch, your kiss.

    You gave me hope, you gave me love,

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    These poems are soooo amazing. I love reading them. They bring back memories from the past with me and my 1st love. I've never been in such a great place reading these poems :) I remember a...

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  12. 10. You Are My Sunshine

    • By Donna Donathan
    • Published by Family Friend Poems May 2008 with permission of the Author.

    You brought me sunshine
    when I only saw rain.
    You brought me laughter
    when I only felt pain.

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    From the first time I looked into your eyes, I knew I loved you. Stunned by the warmth of your smile and hooked by your unconditional love, you have made me feel life like no other before....

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  13. 11. Dream Keeper

    • By Stephanie Schiavone
    • Published by Family Friend Poems February 2006 with permission of the Author.

    I don't think you will
    Ever fully understand
    How you touched my life
    And made me who I am.

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    Loving you is what I do best, from the top of your beautiful brown hair to the bottom of your pink soles. Life has been better since you’ve walked in my life. I know you’re the one for me....

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  14. 12. Sweet Things For Your Ear

    • By Richard G. Martin
    • Published by Family Friend Poems September 29, 2022 with permission of the Author.

    You say I never whisper sweet things in your ear
    Darling, if you'd let me, that's all you'd ever hear

    I'd whisper that I love you and how beautiful you are

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  15. 13. I Love Your Smile

    • By Ronald Doe
    • Published by Family Friend Poems January 2011 with permission of the Author.

    I love your eyes and your soft sighs.
    I love your inner beauty, too.
    I love the way each passing day
    You give a love so warm and true.

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    I always remember that smile, a smile that can make me fall in love. He is my friend. He is so kind and always smiling back at me. Every day I always wanna say to him to keep that smile for...

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  16. 14. You're My Everything

    • By Jennifer D. Etheridge
    • Published by Family Friend Poems February 2021 with permission of the Author.

    You're the beauty in the sunrise,
    The soft warmth shining in the trees.
    Joyful lightness that's in your eyes,
    The slightest tingling from the breeze.

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  17. 15. The Full Circle (Say You, Say Me)

    • By Derek S. Weaver
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 30, 2024 with permission of the Author.

    I saw her standing across the hall
    Carrying her book tote, leaning against the wall
    Her beautiful eyes glanced my way
    Dancing green emeralds took my breath away

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    Thank you, Pamela. I'm pleased that the poem was able to tell the story I hoped it would.

  18. 16. Together We Can Endure

    • By Joydip Dutt
    • Published by Family Friend Poems February 13, 2023 with permission of the Author.

    I want to know you inside out,
    I want to know it all -
    It doesn't matter if it's important
    Or if you consider it to be small.

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  19. 17. In Your Eyes

    • By Olivia T
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2014 with permission of the Author.

    When I look into your eyes,
    I feel the calmness you bring.

    I feel as free as the deep blue waves in the sea,

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    I just want to let you know... you can talk to me I'm here to listen and I'm here to talk to you no matter you be down or happy my ear are here. I have a shoulder to lean on to catch your...

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  20. 18. You Complete Me

    • By Shelagh Bullman
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2010 with permission of the Author.

    Thinking of you fills me with a wonderful feeling.
    Your tender love, your warm embrace,
    Your sweet kisses,
    I love your touch,

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  21. 19. You

    • By Leo Christopher
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 2020 with permission of the Author.

    You are
    what I’ve been
    searching for,
    chasing after,

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  22. 20. Reason

    • By Elizabeth Cantrell
    • Published by Family Friend Poems June 2013 with permission of the Author.

    The way I feel about you
    can hardly be described.
    What is harder still,
    is how hard it is to hide.

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    I have a boyfriend, and I am 14 he is 15. I love him with all of my heart. I do not know what I would do without him. We do not care what other people have to say. We love each other, and...

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