Quotes & Messages

Loving, Healing and Touching Messages, Quotes, Pictures and Famous Quotes on the topics of Friendship, Family, Love, Life, Inspiration, Grief and Sadness.

Our favorite lines of poetry from our most popular poems

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Quote About Friends Being Like Angels

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A true friend is not just a friend,
but like a guardian angel from above,
one who looks after you,
as the rest give up and run.

Chelsea Madden

Forever On My Mind

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When my pain gets me down,
and I just don't know what to do,
I just think of you
and it helps me through.

- Alton L. Smith


Quote About What Is A Friend?

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A best friend is the one
who you can tell everything to
when no one else wants to listen

- Markie B. Hylinski

Quote About Having Hope And Faith

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When you're going through life's valleys
and you think there's no way out,
you're not the first to feel this way.
There's hope, without a doubt.

- Dave Roberts

Treat People With Respect

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Strangers you meet may be angels
hiding behind a disguise.
Always treat people you meet with respect,
for everyone's equal in God's eyes.

John P. Read

Quote For Funeral

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A thousand words won't bring you back;
I know because I've tried.
Neither will a thousand tears;
I know because I've cried.

- Kily Dunbar

What Friendship Is

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You were there for me when I needed you.
You cared for me when I cried to you.
You fought for me when I couldn't stand.
You held me up with a giving hand.

- Kaylee E Jones

Special True Friend

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When times are tough,
you are always there.
It has brightened my world
just knowing you care.

- Crystal A. Dedes

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