She is skillful at deceiving.
No one even has a clue.
Her pretty words are weaving
Throughout the souls of me and you,
But in the late parts of the evening,
When her mind is way past due,
The skin of hers starts bleeding
And her act becomes askew.
Her eyes are actually pleading,
Saying her words aren't always true,
And her heart is really needing
Life to begin anew.
So if at night you see her sneaking,
Hold her till the morning's hue,
Because her heart is barely beating,
And she doesn't know if she'll make it through.
Poem About Hiding Depression And Eating Disorders
Hey, I understand how you feel. It's really sad when people don't notice. Sometimes, I need a hug, but there's no one to give me the hug, so, I hug myself and tell myself it's going to be...
Master Of Disguise
Published by Family Friend Poems May 2016 with permission of the Author.