Poetic Messages - Page 9

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Father And Daughter

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The bond between father and daughter
happens instantly, starting right at birth.
When a father first lays eyes on his little girl,
he loves her more than anything on this earth.

Heather Twining

Quote About Your Life Being Touched By Someone

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You are an amazing person,
and without you I don't know where I'd be.
Having you in my life
completes and fulfills every part of me.


Quote For Mom

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You are the sunlight in my day.
You are the moon I see far away.
You are the tree I lean upon.
You are the one that makes troubles be gone.

- Champagne S. Baker

Thank You To Parents

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If you could look into my heart,
how quickly you would see
the special place you hold there
and how much you mean to me.

Ron Tranmer


Quote From God The Artist By Angela Morgan

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God, when you chiseled a raindrop,
How did you think of a stem,
Bearing a lovely satin leaf
To hold the tiny gem?

Angela Morgan

You Are My World Quote

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You're the smile on my face,
the sparkle in my eye.
the warmth inside my heart,
and the fullness in my life.


Forever On My Mind

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When my pain gets me down,
and I just don't know what to do,
I just think of you
and it helps me through.

- Alton L. Smith

Greeting Card Friendship Quote

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A friend is someone who fills our lives
with beauty, joy, and grace,
and makes the whole world we live in
a better and happier place.

- Valerie S. Rios

True Friends

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Best friends stick together
till the end.
They are like a straight line
that will not bend.

- Emily

I Want To Thank You Again

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To me you're like an angel,
sent by God above,
To cleanse my soul of sadness,
and fill it with love.

- Janelle J. James

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