Husband Poem

Poem About Your Life Being Touched By Someone

When you love someone so deeply...

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Hello Eden, I just read what you wrote and can somehow understand your pain. I lost my dad as well after the birth of my first child. When my child entered the early years of kindergarten is...

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Will You Ever Understand?

© more by Toni

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2008 with permission of the Author.

I don't think you will
ever fully understand
how you've touched my life
and made me who I am.

I don't think you could ever know
just how truly special you are,
that even on the darkest nights
you are my brightest star.

I don't think you will ever fully comprehend
how you've made my dreams come true
or how you've opened my heart
to love and the wonders it can do.

You've allowed me to experience
something very hard to find:
unconditional love that exists
in my body, soul, and mind.

I don't think you could ever feel
all the love I have to give,
and I'm sure you'll never realize
you've been my will to live.

You are an amazing person,
and without you I don't know where I'd be.
Having you in my life
completes and fulfills every part of me.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Indrani Kalita by Indrani Kalita
  • 2 years ago

The feelings of the poem truly touch my heart and make me fly to the days when I first fell in love and sank in thought of my beloved all the time.

  • Victor by Victor
  • 5 years ago

This is the best poem ever. It said exactly all I had to say!

  • Eden O. Benibo by Eden O. Benibo
  • 7 years ago

I never knew that the morning he left was the last time I would see him. I can remember running to the door at every knock as I staggered back to the couch as fast as my little legs could after seeing it wasn't him at the door. It was already dark, past the time he used to arrive from work. 
Suddenly! A knock came softly at the door. My eyes searched as men in black walked in, not with him but with his robe and wig. He was a barrister. He had gone to court for a case previously adjourned. They said he had an accident. He brought me into the world, but the world took him from me, leaving me with a stained spirit.
It's been sixteen years down the slippery aisle I saw him last. Sixteen years of a cracked silence and sixteen years of trying to stay strong, not just for myself but my jewel, my mother. Right now, the word 'father' is a stranger to my lips, but thoughts of him would remain indigenes of my heart.

  • Renee Chambers by Renee Chambers
  • 6 years ago

Hello Eden,
I just read what you wrote and can somehow understand your pain. I lost my dad as well after the birth of my first child. When my child entered the early years of kindergarten is when the word daddy was never used again by me. You were so much younger, and I can only imagine the pain you felt for your loss as a child and even more so your mother as a spouse.

To help me deal with my pain, I have turned to sources higher than myself to grasp it all. I turned to scripture to understand death, what happens, and what hope is left. My questions have been answered, and I now know it's not the end. John 5:28-29 helps us to understand that those sleeping in death will be brought back. As this poem reflects love, so does the hope that has been bestowed upon. It is a reflection of unconditional love and the hope of a new beginning.

  • Ariella Anger by Ariella Anger
  • 7 years ago

Wow, that explained it perfectly. Thank you for sharing, I am not very good at expressing my feeling, so I always try to look for words that can express how I feel. I wish my husband was alive so I could express these same words. Thank you.

  • Fuad K by Fuad K
  • 7 years ago

Reminds me that there is more to life besides what the eye sees. We have hearts.

  • Alphonsus Opoju by Alphonsus Opoju
  • 7 years ago

I fell in love with a lady that I couldn't have, but she just doesn't get how much she means to me, how I see her as magic and next to perfection. Your poem just made the point.

  • Judy Barnes by Judy Barnes, Burlington Vermont
  • 9 years ago

I had to make a choose between my son or my 2nd husband. I loved both very much but I just couldn't take the fighting anymore. It wasn't fair to me or my other children, the constant fighting back between the two. My children always will come first but to this day my heart still misses him. I have moved on and so has he but I will never love someone like I did him

  • Indiana by Indiana, Kay
  • 11 years ago

Over 7 months ago, I walked away from everything I have ever known. To be with a man and his 16 year old daughter, to start a new life. This man had lost his wife 6 years earlier. I was under the understanding that we were going to begin a life together, instead I came into his home, where I am haunted by his past every single day of my life. I feel more like a fill in for his dead wife then his current girlfriend. It has torn me apart mentally. I hide off into the bedroom I don't hear my loved ones voices, and I miss my friends. Before meeting this man my life wasn't a bed of roses but I would trade the life I have now days for the life I had then because at least I had my sanity, I had my happiness. I wasn't trying to fill the shoes of a dead person. if he would open his eyes and put himself into my shoes he would feel the same way.

  • Teresa by Teresa
  • 9 years ago

You must tell him how you feel. You owe it to yourself. You only get one life and one chance to be living this day. You can never get it back. Speaking from experience I am my husband's second wife and I felt like you do for a long time till I told him how I felt. Realize you are your own person. I guarantee you can't take his first wife's place but you can pick up where she left off. She had their past you get the future. Do him justice by understanding that loss runs deep. I know because I just lost my dad. It's been 2 years but it doesn't make the pain disappear. However the sun is still shining and today is a new chance. But you must talk to this guy. If he loves you he will understand where you are coming from if not you need to reevaluate your relationship. God bless

  • Bernadette by Bernadette, Fl
  • 14 years ago

My husband came to me 4 days ago and said he waned a divorce. After 15 yrs of being together, 11 yrs of marriage and 3 beautiful children this statement ripped my heart out. I have cried and cried. Trying to be strong for my 3 young children I found solace in your poem. This is what I have been trying to say to him but with much failure. I love my husband sooo very much and I thank you for helping me express just how much I do.

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