Thank You Poem

Thank You Poem To Parents

I truly believe I was blessed with the greatest parents on earth. They overcame many challenges in raising 6 children and sacrificed much for us.

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This Poem is amazing! It brought tears to my eyes! Your Parents are the only thing you can ever ask for in life. Their there for you. They show you their love. They give you comfort. They...

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The Greatest Parents On Earth

© more by Ron Tranmer

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2014 with permission of the Author.

I will never take for granted
how greatly I've been blessed;
For when it comes to parents,
Mom and Dad, you are the best!

You nurtured and protected me
and taught me with great care.
And every time I've needed you,
you were always there. 

If you could look into my heart,
how quickly you would see
the special place you hold there
and how much you mean to me.

May you receive the blessings
you are so deserving of
for your caring and your sharing,
and each sacrifice of love.

And may you carry in your hearts
these words forever true...
No parents anywhere on earth
could be more loved than you.


more by Ron Tranmer

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  • Rating 4.43
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Cheyanne Hodge by Cheyanne Hodge
  • 1 year ago

This Poem is amazing! It brought tears to my eyes! Your Parents are the only thing you can ever ask for in life. Their there for you. They show you their love. They give you comfort. They keep you safe. Having a Parent is always the best gift.

  • Anita Ray by Anita Ray
  • 5 years ago

Even as a teenager I truly appreciated my parents, and now that they have both passed, I am thankful I told them over and over how much I loved them. I watched them love and be "stand-in" parents for my best friend and other troubled kids. I miss them so much but know I will see them again when it is my time to go. Tell the people you love how much they mean to you. You never know when it might be your last opportunity to do so.

  • Julius Gussman by Julius Gussman
  • 7 years ago

This really touched my heart. It almost made me cry.

  • Michele Anderson by Michele Anderson, Usa
  • 9 years ago

I was adopted and this really sums up everything that my parents have given me in all those years and still giving me. I love my parents.

  • Joseph Kithaika by Joseph Kithaika
  • 5 years ago

I was adopted too, and I thank God for giving me other parents.

  • West Virginia by West Virginia
  • 11 years ago

We all have parents and we should always respect and treasure them for as long as they lived, for you won't get another Mom or Dad in this life.

So, we better, no we must tell them how much we love them and thank them for the good times and the bad times that we thought we had by wanting to be rebellious to what they only wanted to teach us.

And now that we are older, we can see they only wanted to teach us, so we would be responsible for ourselves and the families that we would have...yes, we must grow up and become adults with our own children to bring them up as our parents taught God's word says train up a child...that means a lot.

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