Lisa Disciascio


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    Poems by Lisa Disciascio

  • Uncertainty Of Trust

    • Published: December 2007

    in Hurting Poems

    Walking past all the anger and pain of years past
    I sit here confused and lost
    Not knowing what to feel anymore
    Not knowing what to expect


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    • Rating 4.03
    Featured Shared Story

    I hope for you Des that things get better. Everyday is a new day. Things in our life have been better since I wrote this poem, amazing in fact. To this day though I am waiting for that...

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  • Lisa Disciascio
  • 13 years ago

I hope for you Des that things get better. Everyday is a new day. Things in our life have been better since I wrote this poem, amazing in fact. To this day though I am waiting for that ball to drop. There is always that chance of relapse and that is the scariest thing. I don't ever want to go back there.
I have revisited my poetry recently because my brother is relapsing right now and the pain that it is causing my family is unbearable. I am having a hard time dealing with it all and writing is my only outlet.
Keep yourself strong, no matter how it turns out in the end, you have to still be standing.

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  • Lisa Disciascio
  • 14 years ago

I don't know you but your story is very familiar, I am so proud of you!! I hope someone has told you that today, if not then I have told you. Keep it up, one day at a time.

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