About Poetry

About Poetry

Poetry is a staple in English classes, but many people are left with questions about understanding poems and writing them. With so much time being spent teaching and studying poetry, we have provided resources for students and teachers to navigate this sometimes mysterious genre. You will find articles on poetic techniques, poems hand selected to help students better grasp those techniques, and poetry activities to celebrate National Poetry Month every April.

10 Most Popular About Poetry


  1. 1

    Poetry Activities Best Poetry Apps For Your Phone

    Best Poetry Apps - Apps For Writing, Creating And Reading Poetry

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  2. 2

    Teaching Poetry Poem Templates About Animals And Nature

    Science Mentor Texts

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    Teaching Poetry Social Studies Poems Using Mentor Texts

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  4. 4

    How To Write Poetry How To Write A Villanelle

    Write A Hollywood Villanelle

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  5. 5

    Poetry Activities Pictspiration! Try Photo-Inspired Poetry

    Write A Poem Inspired By A Picture

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  6. 6

    Poetry Activities Practice Poetic Gift Giving

    Give A Poem As A Gift To Friends And Family

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  7. 7

    How To Write Poetry Common Spelling And Grammar Mistakes In Poetry

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  8. 8

    Poetry Activities Performing Poetry - How To Recite A Spoken Word Poem

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  9. 9

    Teaching Poetry Templates And Examples Of Structured Poem Forms

    15 Structured Poetry Forms - Templates And Examples

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  10. 10

    Basic Poetic Techniques Stanzas - Couplet, Tercet And Quatrain

    Stanzas - Examples Of Couplets, Tercets And Quatrains

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Poetry takes words, memories, feelings and perspectives and transforms them into an art form. If you have an interest in writing poetry, but aren't sure where to start, remember that much can be learned from reading poetry written by famous poets. Besides reading as much poetry as possible, there are also quite a few poetic techniques you should know to write poems that allow you to express yourself in an artful way. Studying said techniques will help you to make the leap between poetry student and poet.
  1. Stanzas - Couplet, Tercet And Quatrain

    Stanzas - Examples Of Couplets

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  2. How To Write Poetry With Emotion

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  3. Rhyme Schemes And Patterns In Poetry

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  4. Five Senses In Poetry

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  5. Adjectives In Poetry

    Definition And Examples Of Adjectives In Poetry

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View All Basic Poetic Techniques


Poetry has been around a long time and while the "Death of Poetry" is a phrase that is too common. We believe that poetry is filling the same needs that people have used poetry to fill for thousands of years. The poet is someone unafraid of facing the depth of their emotions and is willing to put them on paper for the public to view. Not everyone knows how to be so brave, but everyone can learn to do so. We all can learn to write poetry and become a better person through it. Are you looking to meet your inner self and your inner poet? We hope we can help you find the poet in you!
  1. How To Write A Villanelle

    Write A Hollywood Villanelle

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  2. Common Spelling And Grammar Mistakes In Poetry

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  3. Tips For Writing Better Poetry

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  4. Nature And The Romantic Poets

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  5. Common Poetic Forms

    15 Common Poetry Forms - Examples

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View All How To Write Poetry

Using poetry in a classroom is a great way to expose students to imagery, rhythm, rhyme, metaphors, personification, and a variety of other literary devices. Some teachers and students shy away from poetry because they are unsure how to use it or what it should look like, but the joy of poetry is the ability to express yourself in a creative way. While some poetic forms have specific rules to follow, poetry is much more than a formula. It’s a safe way for students to share their emotions and experiences.
  1. Poem Templates About Animals And Nature

    Science Mentor Texts

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  2. Social Studies Poems Using Mentor Texts

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  3. Templates And Examples Of Structured Poem Forms

    15 Structured Poetry Forms - Templates And Examples

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  4. Poem Templates PDF

    Poem Templates PDF - Print And Try It Yourself

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  5. How To Teach Poetry To Kids With Games And Fun Poems

    Teaching Children About Reading

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View All Teaching Poetry

Crafting a strong poem can be accomplished by using a variety of techniques. Each one creates a particular mood in a poem. Writing with a specific tone helps to evoke various emotions, causing readers to connect with a poem on a deeper level. Some techniques include personification, repetition, metaphors, and similes. Using them helps convey the message the author wants the readers to take away from the piece. They help a great poem stand out from the rest. Using specific techniques strengthens the quality of the poem, but some of these techniques take a bit of practice to master.
  1. Alliteration In Poetry

    Alliteration In Poetry: Definition And Examples

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  2. Structure In Poetry

    Structure: Definition And Examples Of Structure In Poetry

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  3. Similes And Metaphors In Poetry

    Poems With Metaphors And Similes - Difference

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  4. Repetition In Poetry

    Repetition In Poetry - Examples Of Poems With Repetition

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View All Advanced Poetic Techniques

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