School Resources

Are you a student or teacher looking for help or inspiration with a school poetry assignment? Welcome, you are not alone! A recent survey we conducted, revealed that one out of every four visitors to our website is here for that purpose. So, we created this page for you.
Below you will find four sections:
- Recommended Poems For Students. These poems were selected by our editor because they use popular basic poetic techniques. View the "Analysis of Form and Technique" beneath each of these poems to explore the techniques used.
- Short Tutorials exploring basic poetic techniques, Try It Yourself "Templates", explanations of poetry forms and much more!
- Best Teen Poems is a section of our website devoted to the most popular poems by teens for teens. Over 450 poems, (teen selected, editor approved), from the tens of thousands submitted to us.
- Famous Poems have long been known to strike fear in the hearts of both students (and teachers), well no need to fear our selection, like all the poems on our website, our collection of famous poems contains only poems easy to understand and relate to.

Best Teen Poems
Poetry about teen life requires a section all its own. Being a teenager is a complicated business and Teen Poets write some of the most intense poems. The teenage years are a time when we experience some of life's most difficult issues for the first time. Teens are dealing with adult problems, but without any valuable past experiences to guide their decisions.
Take your time and enjoy browsing through our large collection of Best Teen Poems

Famous Poems
Since the dawn of civilization, artists of all forms have sought to express the essence of the human condition and the full range of human experience. Poetry has been one of the most common forms of this expression from the ancients until now. These words have an ability to capture the abstract emotions and concrete experiences that have been part of our humanity throughout the ages. Turning to the words of classic poems can help us to clarify and understand our own experiences better by connecting us to those others who have sought to do the same.
The Blind Men And The Elephant by John Godfrey Saxe
Dandelion by Nellie M. Garabrant
The Star by Jane Taylor