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Recent Community Stories
  • Ann D. Stevenson, Gloucestershire, UK
  • July 25, 2024

A lovely poem, I only wish my faith was as strong as yours. Best wishes, Ann

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  • Zainab O Bakene, Nigeria
  • July 23, 2024

I had a best friend when in grade 3 but she left my school and went to another, of course we do chat once in a while. But I can feel it she's got another best friend. I met an introverted person last year We're really going on well. I don't know if she's my best friend now but I love her so much and apparently she does too. All our classmates are jealous of our friendship especially the guys.

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  • Petunia Porle
  • July 23, 2024

My teacher told me to learn this poem for assembly and when I searched this was the first thing that popped up it's so nice A.A Milne is such a good poet.
P.S can someone tell me the correct pronunciation of Milne

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  • Zainab O. Bakene
  • July 23, 2024

Hmmm. The poem really went a long way in my mind. I lost two close relatives: my aunt and grandad in the same month last year, to an illness that has an unknown cause and cure.
The poem is very classic and soothing to a troubled mind.

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  • Susan Vidd
  • July 22, 2024

Hello fellow Lake Erie boater. I am thankful for your note. I know my poetry is very elementary, but I always try to base it on some personal experience. The Mentor Yacht Club is so beautiful. I have been there, but I have never sailed on a Tartan 41. What a beautiful yacht. It sounds like you are quite the veteran sailor and brave to be that far off shore. We know how unpredictable Lake Erie can be, especially before the days of cell phones and instant radar. The fact that my simple poem brought you some joy on a difficult day encourages me to continue writing. Thank you for reading it and for sharing your Lake Erie adventures with me.

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  • Michael Howard Evans
  • July 18, 2024

Today I committed to writing the overdue minutes of a quarterly meeting that I had put off for a long time. I made an impromptu trip out the mailbox to put off the task just a few minutes longer. On the way, a poem I was forced to learn to recite aloud at 12 years of age by my favorite English teacher, Mary A. Parrish, at Wilson Jr. High School, in Muncie, IN, sixty-six years ago, filled my head. I recited it to myself as I walked to the box and back to the front door, Work by Henry Van Dyke!! It didn't inspire me to steer away from "vagrant wishes," but did make me smile enough to get started. Thank you, Henry VanDyke, Miss Mary A. Parrish, and rote learning exercises from the old days of 1958.

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  • Prescott A. Robbins
  • July 17, 2024

Red skies in the morning sailors take warning: you filled in the blanks from many years past. Great description!!!
Hard to understand for those who have not spent time flipping off mother nature far from shore. I raced the Great Lakes from 1958 though 1977 out of Mentor Harbor Yacht Club aboard a Tartan 41. My friends that didn't go out on the water either didn't believe me or couldn't understand why I would sail non stop for 24 to 60 hours thirty miles off-shore with no chance of rescue should one of the crew need emergence help.
What I still miss the most about the mid-west/Erie is the thunder and lighting of a northwestern squall howling down on us like a run-a-way freight train, one hand for the boat-one hand for yourself.
Thanks for the memories

Mentally I didn't feel good today. Didn't want to read or write, was dead set against it. I talked myself in to one poem------It was the right one! Always amazing how words may create or devastate/// today I chose right!!!

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  • Abimbola T. Alabi
  • July 17, 2024

You've handled a rather sour subject with sweet grace. It's a lovely poem.

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  • Katrina An Rocha
  • July 15, 2024

Every time I see you I'm reminded that the world can be beautiful, inside and out. whenever you think negatively of yourself I realize that not everyone can see the beauty as much as others can, and need to be taught how to see that beauty when they can only see the other side that they've lived with their entire life

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  • Sandra Mulenga
  • July 15, 2024

I'm so sorry my dear
My husband died is almost similar circumstances, at 41 with three children and the youngest is 6 years he went to work in another province and was away for almost 90 days. On the 21st of June 2024 When it was time for him to visit us, he met his fate in a road traffic accident as he was driving. The news shook me, I trembled with shock and fear because we were looking forward to seeing him after a long time but alas, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh. At least I had a chance to speak to him on video call two hours before the accident. I thank God for his life but the wound is always fresh. I miss you, rest well and sweet dreams my Angel.

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