Death Poetry Quotes - Page 2

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Blessed By Son's Short Life

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No mother should ever have to walk
this lonely and painful road.
The death of a beautiful child you know
is just too heavy a load.

- Cara Veronica Doyle

Quote Saying Goodbye To Unborn Son

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I'll see you someday
in the future not so near.
'Til then, baby boy,
I'll love you from here.

- Angie Milton

Miss You Mom

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Like a butterfly in flight,
you drifted off to paradise.
A journey to the rainbow's end,
leaving broken hearts to mend.

Beryl L Edmonds

First Christmas Without You

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I am not looking forward to Christmas,
but I know it's something I have to live through.
I hope there is Christmas in heaven,
because it is not the same here without you.

Jamie A. Cirello


Goodnight Our Hero

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To be brave
is to cry
but still
to fight on.

- Juli Round

The Memory Of My Dad

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The best memory we shared
was the time we spent together
between our first hello and our last goodbye
that will never be forgotten.

- Katie

Quote About A Mother's Love Growing

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A mother's love for her child never ends;
it grows and grows
and never stops,
even after her death.

- Mary E. Martinez

Quote About A Family No Longer Being Whole

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A family is like a body.
When a family loses a loved one,
it is as if they have lost
one of their limbs.

Family Friend Poems

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