Jackie Bush Holcomb


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    Poems by Jackie Bush Holcomb

  • We Are Family We Will Overcome

    • Published: November 2017

    in Death Moving On Poems

    We are family.
    We will overcome.
    While grieving in our darkest hour,
    We now understand we cannot be paralyzed in despair...


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    • Rating 4.30
  • The Beach In The Sky

    • Published: September 2014

    in Sister Death Poems

    I closed my eyes,
    Felt the warmth of the sun on my face.
    All the grief and pain
    Was simply too hard to erase.


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    • Rating 4.53
    Featured Shared Story

    I love your poem about you missing your sister! It was very beautiful, a great tribute in her memory. I also lost a sister in 2014 to ovarian cancer. She loved the beach here in Oregon! We...

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  • Jackie Bush Holcomb
  • 2 years ago

Lisa, thank you. When I wrote my words, I was lost. In putting the words and memories together, it gave me strength to remember the good times together and hope to be with my sister again sometime in the future. Thank you for reaching out to me, and I hope it brought you comfort and fond memories of your deep connection to your sister Vicki.

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  • Jackie Bush Holcomb
  • 3 years ago

Destiny, I am so very sorry for your loss. I still have a hard time reading my own words. I hope this gave you comfort at the most horrible time in your life. A year has now passed since your beautiful sister moved on. I hope and pray that you still carry your sister in your heart and continue to believe that she is always with you. That will never be taken from you. Deep in your heart she will forever remain. With love~ Jackie

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  • Jackie Bush Holcomb
  • 5 years ago

To say I am sorry for your losses seems honest and heartfelt but somewhat hollow. My heart hurts for you. We grow to accept loss is a part of the circle of life, but certain losses make our hearts literally drop within.....never to be the same person we once were. I lost my sister Kim on 3/24/2011. I miss our memories of growing up together and becoming the women we once were. I know Kim would want me to be the best I can and ultimately be happy. At first I was lost knowing that I would forever miss the one person who "got" me. As time has passed, I now embrace the feeling that she will forever be the only person that ever "got" me. No one can compare and no one will ever replace that special bond. I am sending love to you and the promise that time will help. Please take care of your tender heart. Your sister Kim would want that for you, so please don't ever forget that. Thank you for your heartfelt words. Love to you.

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  • Jackie Bush Holcomb
  • 7 years ago

Eddie, I am so very sorry for the loss of your sister. Having also lost my sister, I found some sort of peace in writing...thinking about happier times we spent together. I'm sending you love and a prayer that God gives you strength. - Jackie

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  • Jackie Bush Holcomb
  • 8 years ago

Chris, I am deeply sorry for your loss. I hope my poem gave you a bit of strength. My loving thoughts are with you. Thank you for your kind words. Jackie

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