Poetic Messages - Page 10

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Respect Based On Fear


Nothing is more despicable
than respect based on fear.

Albert Camus

Quote About Moms Being Funny Creatures

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Most times my mother makes me laugh.
Sometimes I think she's insane,
but then again she may take a look at me
and think the very same.

Samantha Blackwood

Quote Thanking The Strong One

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You are always the strongest
and like the threads of a quilt;
You hold us together.
You are a flower whose petals will never wilt.

- Hayzel


Sometimes Life Is Hard

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the hardest thing
and the right thing
are the same.

- Kristin

Quote Remembering Night Of Rape

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I feel so much stronger
than I have ever before.
I'm putting the night behind me
so I can open a new door.

- Elizabeth Murphy

Hugs Give You Strength

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Hugs give you strength.
Hugs make you thrive.
Imagine never getting one.
You'd feel like not alive.


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