Love Poetry Quotes - Page 2

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You Are My Sunshine

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You brought me sunshine
when I only saw rain.
You brought me laughter
when I only felt pain.

- Donna Donathan

Quote About Your Life Being Touched By Someone

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You are an amazing person,
and without you I don't know where I'd be.
Having you in my life
completes and fulfills every part of me.


I'm By Your Side Quote

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We both have scars,
with memories that cannot be erased,
but together we are stronger.
In your hands my heart has been placed.

- Crystal

Quote For The Man I Love

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You always know
just what to say.
Just talking to you
makes my day.

- Mrs. Creeves


Quote About A Constant Feeling

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I know that you love me,
And that our love is true,
That no matter the chaos, the excitement, or the fears,
I know you love me as deeply as I love you.

- Sherri Wipperman

God's Gift To Me

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You are my sunshine.
You are my shining star.
Everything I'm not
you are.

- Kerry R. DeVore

Love So Amazing

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My love for you is like the raging sea,
So powerful and deep it will forever be.
Through storm, wind, and heavy rain,
It will withstand every pain.

Elaine Chetty

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