Short Love Poem

Loving Someone Forever

This was written for Gianna, the love of my life.

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This poem has really made me remember my true love. I also said the exact same thing to him, but he never believed it. And I still don't know why. We were together for a year, and suddenly he...

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True Love


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2015 with permission of the Author.

When I say I love you, please believe it's true.
When I say forever, know I'll never leave you.
When I say goodbye, promise me you won't cry,
Because the day I'll be saying that will be the day I die.


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A lovely poem of true love. I do know what that means as I repeat those three words every day. I have done for 32 years. That will be repeated to me as well. So you see it works both ways.

  • Jessy by Jessy
  • 5 years ago

I love poems a lot, especially love poems. They are just the best way to express your true feelings to your loved ones. They allow you to send a very good message to someone in the most polite way you can ever imagine. Let's all admit....poems are the best!!

  • Eugine K. Kirui by Eugine K. Kirui, Kenya
  • 6 years ago

I've been reading poems for quite some time, and this is one of the best.

  • Kinjal Gaglani by Kinjal Gaglani
  • 6 years ago

This poem has really made me remember my true love. I also said the exact same thing to him, but he never believed it. And I still don't know why. We were together for a year, and suddenly he started to feel that I didn't love him anymore, which is not true. He doesn't believe that he was my first true love and will always be.

  • Octavia Marie Goen by Octavia Marie Goen
  • 7 years ago

When I first met you I felt something true. I felt something coming from me to you. I asked your friends for a phone number or anything I could text you on. They said they don't know. So I had to be brave. I wrote down my phone number and walked out the room. But I found out you liked me and now we've been together 6 months. I love you, and I hope you never forget that.

  • Ashley Wilmoth by Ashley Wilmoth
  • 7 years ago

I love reading the poems and get ideas. They are really sweet poems, and I like them.

  • Hirut Melaku by Hirut Melaku
  • 8 years ago

My hubby and I met 3 years ago on social sites. We weren’t through many ups and down. Now we’re getting married and living along with his family and my previous two kids. He is really a blessing, and brings wonders of eternal love to my life. I surrender myself the rest of our lives. I dearly love him to death.

  • Tyler by Tyler
  • 8 years ago

I found the love of my life. We had known each other since we were kids, and we were practically family. In fact, my sister married her dad, but we fell in love, and now everybody's trying to keep us apart, but we are not going to give up that easy. All I think about is her. I can't go one day without seeing her, and I don't know what I would do without her, and I'm on here trying to find a good poem for her because I can't write poetry.

  • Sandra by Sandra
  • 8 years ago

Love this poem. Me and my boyfriend met on social media. We started following each other on every platform and we have talked every night and day since then. I thought I didn't have a chance on him, because he was soo handsome and one year older than me. But apparently he thought the same thing about me. We talked literally all the time and when It had went two weeks, we decided to meet each other. Nowadays It is really hard to find a decent boyfriend, because everyone my age (teenagers) just wants one thing, and when they get what they want, they dump the girl. But He with the big H, was like a boy in the movies. So sweet and wanted to take me out for golf and didn't let me pay for anything. Anyways, the date went like a movie, and he was even better in real life. Today we celebrate 4 months together and more will it be. I am literally so in love, and can't stop thinking about him. It's the best feeling in the world. I'm a really happy seventeen years old girl.

  • Arjun Gk by Arjun Gk
  • 8 years ago

I had a normal boring life until the love of my life kicked in...I fell for her long back but it took her ages to recogonize my love...Now we are together and I just love the way we are?

  • Juan Hernandez by Juan Hernandez
  • 8 years ago

I met my wife working together at a nursing facility. We would work 8 hrs a night 6 days a week and after three months together we decided to get married. We told our families and they laughed, thought it was a joke and said it wouldn't last a year. We have been married ten years and have three amazing children. I tell her that on heaven and earth I will never stop loving her and our kids.

  • Juan Hernandez by Juan Hernandez
  • 8 years ago

I understand what you mean, my wife and I met working together at a nursing facility. We would work together 8 hours a night 6 days a week .We fell in love at first sight and after three months together we decided to get married. Both our families laughed at us and said it wouldn't last a year. We have been married 10 yrs now with three amazing children.
I tell those same words to my wife "You are my forever and I'm your always".

  • Kayla by Kayla
  • 8 years ago

My boyfriend and I met a little while ago but I fell for him right away. He brought me happiness when my depression was bad. I love him so much and he loves me. We have a saying and this poem reminded of it. Our saying is "You are my forever and I am your always" .

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