Wife Poem

The Way You Make Me Feel Poem

This poem was written with my wife in mind, as a Valentine's Day gift to her. We have been married for 23 years, and our love seems to get stronger every day. I know I would be utterly lost without her; she is my rock, my bond, and my very soul. I hope it can appeal to others, as I think it should be shared. If it is published, then hopefully some of my other poems will appeal too. It's a little hobby of mine I'd like to share with anyone interested.

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The only little part that is 'wrong' for my circumstances is the sleep line. It's everything that I want to & wish I could say without being prompted (I've suffered brain injuries; have a...

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I Love You

© more by Harry Boslem

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2010 with permission of the Author.

I can't talk to you without feeling honor.
I can't see you without feeling wonder.
I can't touch you without feeling pure.
I can't feel you without wanting more.
I can't hold you without feeling safe.
I can't kiss you without feeling great.
I can't miss you without feeling pain.
I can't meet you without wanting to again.
I can't watch you without feeling awe.
I can't love you without feeling loved.
I can't lay with you without feeling passion.
I can't stay away without feeling rationed.
I can't dream of you without sleeping soundly.
I can't cope without you around me.
I can't sleep without you in the bed.
I can't be alive without feeling your breath.
I can't think without you on my mind.
I can't leave without feeling unkind,
But most of all,
I can't exist without you in my life.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Steven Haughton by Steven Haughton, Surrey
  • 12 years ago

The only little part that is 'wrong' for my circumstances is the sleep line. It's everything that I want to & wish I could say without being prompted (I've suffered brain injuries; have a poor memory & can sleep anywhere at any time). That and I have to echo Brian Neil's comment!

  • Brian Neil by Brian Neil, Chicago Illinois
  • 14 years ago

Great poem, very touching, I read it to my wife, my high school sweetheart. I agree with everything in it but "I can't sleep without her in the bed!" either too small a bed or she's using too much of it. Thank you for sharing it made our Valentines day that much brighter.

  • Sandra Boslem by Sandra Boslem
  • 15 years ago

Thank you for the poem, I loved it.

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