Depression Poem by Teens

What Other People Can't See

Depression is really hurtful. Every time I try to explain the pain, I can never put it into words. I have been dealing with depression my entire childhood. I pretend to be a fun loving girl with all my friends, but all the pain is buried inside me. I know that I cannot blame anyone for the way my soul turned against me, but someday I'm going to find the reason why I turned out the way I did.

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They say "be happy." Do you really think I want to be happy? I do, but the cruel people in the world hate me. I try and try and try. But I always just let go. All my friends are so happy...

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I'm The One To Blame

© more by Rayne

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2016 with permission of the Author.

I smile and laugh wildly, having fun with my friends.
They don't know what huge lie I have to pretend.
To my friends, I'm the funny girl who's so full of life.
They don't know how many times I'd held a bloody knife.
To them, I'm the girl who loves to strut down the street.
They don't know that I feel so incomplete.
To my friends, my laughter can spread.
They don't know that inside, my happiness is dead.
To my friends, my smile can brightened up their day.
They don't know I've shut my feelings away.
I'm locked in a prison, one I cannot escape,
A place my soul is repeatedly raped.
In the prison, there is no love, there is no spark.
I'm all alone, tired, desperate, and left in the dark.
In the dark, there is a monster waiting painfully for the kill.
The danger sends out a terrifying chill.
I've faced the monster before, so I know its disguise.
My spirit breaks down further, silently releasing its cries.
I knows it's no one's fault; I'm the one to blame,
Because I'm the only one who's causing myself this pain.


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  • Karrigan Smith by Karrigan Smith
  • 6 years ago

They say "be happy." Do you really think I want to be happy? I do, but the cruel people in the world hate me. I try and try and try. But I always just let go. All my friends are so happy trying to cheer me up, but they don't understand me. No one does. No one ever will. I just want to let go and close my eyes and never open the back up. Why do I have to be so ugly, worthless, depressed? I don't know why I even try because every time I do I lose. I'm the one in the group no one really cares about. The one that gets left out all the time. So explain to me if we're "friends" then why do I get treated like this and none of my friends try to stop it? Why do have to live like this? Wow. I can't believe it. I finally let my feelings out.

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