Poems by Edel T. Copeland

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  • Your Love Is My Treasure

    • Published: June 2019

    in Falling in Love Poems

    On a cold December day, in a distant unknown land,
    Not long before, we were strangers; now we walk hand in hand,
    On a journey through mystical mountains, draped in a glistening white snow.
    A story is just beginning as our blossoming love continues to grow.


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    • Votes 81
    • Rating 4.12
  • Autumn's Cry

    • Published: November 2020

    in Fall Poems

    Wild winds whistle through Autumn's rustling leaves,
    Trees of gold like amber flames sway softly with the rising breeze,
    The cool crisp air of Autumn in the stillness of darkening skies,
    Tender leaves fall gently, reflecting the tears of Autumn's cry.


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    • Rating 4.19
  • Autumn Leaves

    • Published: November 2016

    in Fall Poems

    Golden, crisp leaves falling softly from almost bare trees,
    Lifting and falling in a hushed gentle breeze.
    Slowly dropping to the soft cushioned ground,
    Whispering and rustling a soothing sound.


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    • Stories 1
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    • Rating 4.31
    • Poem of the Day
    Featured Shared Story

    Letting go of painful things is probably one of the most difficult choices to make. But once you realize what your aspirations, visions, and ideals in life are- that these have become somehow...

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  • Whispering Waves

    • Published: June 2018

    in Beach Poems

    Waves come crashing to grey sullen shores.
    Powerful and strong, it breathes and roars.
    Cascading and caressing each grain of sand,
    A warm embrace between sea and land.


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    • Stories 2
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    • Rating 4.45
    • Poem of the Day
    Featured Shared Story

    When I took v.r.s. from my job at the age of 52, I became nervous, jobless, then useless and so on. Sometimes I went to the seashore and had the same feeling as narrated in this poem....

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  • Summer's Melody

    • Published: August 2019

    in Summer Poems

    Rippling crystal waters shine like silver to reflect summer's glow.
    Soothing and calming in rhythm, echoing its lyrical flow.
    Magical music of nature, a symphony of splendid delight.
    Skies like blue oceans in paradise, birds soaring to grasp full flight.


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    • Stories 0
    • Shares 1917
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    • Votes 166
    • Rating 4.46

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