Nature Poem for Kids

The Adventures Of A Leaf

It is Autumn once again, and falling leaves are dancing through the air. In my imagination, I follow one such a leaf on its journey.

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Blown With The Wind

Bettina Van Vaerenbergh © more by Bettina Van Vaerenbergh

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2021 with permission of the Author.

I imagined, though ever so brief, that I was a leaf;
And the wind blew me off my tree.
I was excited - even delighted,
Because of the wonderful sights I would see.

I swirled and twirled high in the air,
And I landed on top of a hill.
The view was astounding, with flowers abounding;
It was such an incredible thrill.

Hours passed, and then, at long last,
The wind remembered me.
I played with a child, and we both smiled;
We were so happy and so free!

We chased each other, not a care or bother
Was on our minds.
But good things end, and my newfound friend
Had to go and leave me behind.

We said goodbye, I journeyed on through the sky;
But at midday I needed a rest.
In a meadow I lazed, amidst cows that grazed;
Until the wind blew me out West.

I flew over houses, I skimmed over towers;
Then I landed on top of a train.
The sun shone bright, I was enjoying my ride
When the wind blew me into a drain.

Dark clouds came along, and not before long,
The rain was pouring down.
Into the sewer I went, my heart quite content;
For a leaf, I had been around!



Bettina Van Vaerenbergh lives in Belgium, a small country in Europe. She and her husband are happily married. They have one grown daughter, and they share their home with an adorable poodle. Her passions are Jesus, cooking great food, long nature walks, Belgian chocolate, and reading and writing poetry. She’d love to touch other people with her...

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