Special Friend Poem

Poem Dedicated To A Supportive And Loving Friend

I wrote this poem for Debbie, a very special friend of mine who I have been able to share the many troubles I have come across in my life, yet she has never judged me, just stood by me. And to me that is what you call "a very special friend."

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My Angel


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2008 with permission of the Author.

I have a special friend,
One whom I can trust.
She deserves a trophy
And that I feel a must.

You see she is so precious
Her kind are rare and few.
You're an angel
And I think the world of you.

If ever I need to talk,
My friend, I know you're there,
Holding out your arms
And showing that you care.

You are special
Friends like you are hard to find
I must be one of the lucky ones
To have you in my life.


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