Poem for Kids

Math Poem

Can you figure out the answer to this math problem?

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Teacher's Torture

© more by Mary Green

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2022 with permission of the Author.

Add two times twenty-two,
To twelve and twenty more,
Take forty-five from fifty-five,
Add four by forty-four.

Add six and six to sixteen,
To eighteen by eleven,
To nine and nine and ninety-nine,
Add nine from ninety-seven.

Add thirty-three and thirteen,
Take seven from twenty-four,
Add seventy-seven to sixty-six,
And total up your score.

You can count them on your fingers,
You can count them on your toes,
You can count them out with counters,
You can count them out in rows.

And when you’ve got the answer,
When you’re sure, and only then –
You can add another hundred
And count them all again!

First published in "The Works 2" selected by Brian Moses and Pie Corbett, Macmillan (2002).



Mary Green works as a writer for children and young adults and has published many books across the age range in educational and trade publishing, including study guides, non-fiction, anthologies, fiction, and picture books. Before she became a writer she earned her living as an English teacher, and subsequently ran educational support...

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