Fear Poetry Quotes

Fear creates limitations. When we fear, we become incapable of taking risks, of living our lives to the fullest. Whatever fear you are facing, whether it is a fear of love, of rejection, of heartbreak, of growing up, of being forgotten, or even of the dark, remember that your fear limits you. It prevents you from growing into a stronger, better person. Try to understand your fears, for when you understand them, they no longer have a power over you. Let go of fear, express it to someone and just release it.

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Take The Chance

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Take the chance
when opportunity is near.
You know that you can.
No time for fear.



Successful People

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Most successful people will tell you
that they failed
more than once in life
before they did prevail.

Jeff Opperman

Quote About Experiencing Something New

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Don't be afraid
to experience something new
For each experience
will be a benefit to you.

Terry Gouveia

Quote About Learning Lessons

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To learn what lessons
life has in store,
You must be willing
to open each door.

Terry Gouveia

You Don't Know Me Quote

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There are times
in all of our lives
when we feel as though
no one truly knows us.

- Lucie

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