Poetry Quotes about Life Struggles

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Life Is Like A Thorny Rose

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Our life is like
a thorny rose:
not perfect,
but always beautiful.

- Kirston D. Warfield

To Carry On

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I am forgiving.
I am strong.
I've found the will
to carry on.


Growing Through Highs And Lows

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I never know what my life is going to bring.
It has had its highs and lows,
but every experience I go through
helps me grow.

Nicole C. Anderson

Quote About Life As A Teen

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We learn from our mistakes,
from the wrong turns we take,
from the fake friends we make,
and from the times we almost break.

Sarah Gray



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For a moment each day
it's OK to get silly,
to laugh and dance.
Take in all God's glory
at every single chance.

- Nordica D Lindgren

Happy Ending By Shel Silverstein


There are no happy endings.
Endings are the saddest part,
So just give me a happy middle
And a very happy start.

Shel Silverstein

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