Animal Poem for Kids

Funny Poem About An Elephant

I often think in rhyme, and as I have the time, I write them line by line.

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It's SNOT Funny

Paul L. Kennedy © more by Paul L. Kennedy

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2018 with permission of the Author.

It's "snot" funny being an elephant when you need to blow your nose.
My trunk is long, and I have no hands as I'm sure the whole world knows.

And where would I keep my tissues, as pockets I have none,
so having a runny nose for me is really not much fun.

Another major drawback is because my trunk is so long,
it has to be blown so very hard, and I'm really not that strong.

That's all fine when you're an adult, and fully grown up too,
but not if you're just a little calf like me; then it's very hard to do.

Mother Nature is a wondrous thing, but in the case of me,
she hasn't done me any favors, of that I'm sure you see.

The answer might just be, if only my trunk was much shorter,
but there again how would I be able to suck up any water?

This, my friends, is an evolutionary problem that I cannot see going away.
My Woolly Mammoth ancestors must have suffered in the exact same way.

But I suppose there's no sense in complaining, if I did to whom would it be?
As our trunks have been part of being an elephant for millions of years of history

So next time you see an elephant, just remember these words that you've read,
and think yourself lucky that you haven't got such a thing permanently attached to your head.



I didn’t realise what worldwide talent was out there until I stumbled on this very good website. I’ve always loved writing poetry and am inspired by some really mundane things in life and at other times very serious things and situations. Poetry can be funny and sad and can reflect the inner feelings of the poet and invoke those same emotions...

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