I Miss You Poem

The feeling you are with the one you love, only to wake up alone because it's only a dream...

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Never has a poem hit me so hard and touched the pit of my soul. People talk about meeting their soul mates, and for forty years I thought stuff like that only came out of fairy tales. That...

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Stuck In A Dream

© more by Mssparklyone

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2011 with permission of the Author.

Last night I had a dream.
We were walking hand in hand
On a deserted island beach,
Over endless miles of sand.

The moon was shining bright.
You looked over at me and smiled,
Your eyes so full of passion,
Our thoughts both running wild,

We laid down and held each other,
So close but never enough
The tides came in and nearly covered us
As we made pure and beautiful love,

I had never known so much beauty
As your skin in the pale moon light.
Every moment so intense and new,
On this warm, dark, and blissful night.

But as the sun rose the next morning,
You disappeared and left me alone.
I’m still on that deserted island.
Come back and bring me home...


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Christopher  Yonts by Christopher Yonts
  • 5 years ago

I met the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with 21 years ago, but I never told her that I was in love with her until last year. Reading "Stuck in a Dream" made me think about all the fun times we had together over the past year while she lived with me here in Michigan. She is from Florida, and one week ago on August 1st she left to go back home. Since then, it really feels like I'm stuck in a dream.

  • Quintin by Quintin
  • 5 years ago

Some things are meant to happen. God has a plan for everyone. Sometimes in life come heartaches, heartbreaks, trials, and tribulations. I salute God for showing me my plans, my life, my world, my pain, as well as my heart. He gave me one of the most beautiful girls to ever touch my life and I salute him. Even though we broke up, my love for her solidified and it won't change for anyone. She was and still is the best girl I have ever had, and I need to cope with losing the one I truly love.

  • Steve Melo by Steve Melo
  • 5 years ago

Never has a poem hit me so hard and touched the pit of my soul. People talk about meeting their soul mates, and for forty years I thought stuff like that only came out of fairy tales. That was until I met her, my other half, my Snow White, my soul mate. She knew how I felt at the time, knew what I was thinking before I ever said a word. She was the only one who really understood me. Our first night together was under an amazing spread of stars on the beach at her parents’ cottage. I swear that night I met the girl I’d been waiting for for so long. I knew this was the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Months had gone by and I finally got the courage to ask her to be Mrs. Melo. The night before I was to ask her the most important question I’d ever ask anyone, I lost my beloved in a car crash while we were texting each other. For years I couldn’t forgive myself. It wasn’t until I read “Stuck in a Dream” that I could finally begin my healing.

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