Family Poetry Quotes - Page 21

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Thank You Loving Mother Quote

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Your smiles come to me
like the moonlight,
shining around me
day and night.

- Olubunmi A. Omotowa

Thank You Quote To Parents

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You nurtured and protected me
and taught me with great care.
And every time I've needed you,
you were always there.

Ron Tranmer

Sisters And Friends

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As sisters and friends
we're quite a pair.
One soul, one mind
is what we share.

Debbie A. Burrous

One Plus One Equals Two

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It takes two halves
to make a whole.
My heart and yours,
we make one soul.

Debbie A. Burrous


Father's Day Quote

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A Dad's there when you're happy
and even more when you're sad,
giving unconditional love
whether you're good or you're bad.

Annmarie Campbell

Quote About A Home Needing Love

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A house is not a home,
unless with love it stands.

- Michelle Strattis

Follow Your Dreams Quote

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Follow your dreams,
reach for the stars.
but never forget
where you came from.

- Audrea Harvey

I've Grown My Wings

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I've grown my wings.
I want to fly,
seize my victories
where they lie.

- Nikki L. Rench

You've Always Had Faith In Me

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You've helped me see
The woman I can become
You've always had faith in me
Even when I had none

Tiana Jensen

Message To Father On Wedding Day

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As I spread my wings and fly,
look at me and know
that you will forever be in my heart,
even as the years grow.

- Lacey D. Karlek

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