Family Poetry Quotes - Page 5

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Heartbreaking Quote From Daughter To Father

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I remember when I was
the twinkle in my daddy's eyes.
Then he left one day
without saying good-bye.

- Heidi A. Hopson

The Mothering Job

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If mothers could put
all of their mothering experience
on their resume,
it would be a mile long.

- Marian N. Kehrley

Mother To Child Quote

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I would hold your hand
every minute of every day,
but I won't because I know
you need to find your own way.

Jayne Sena


Sisters And Friends

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As sisters and friends
we're quite a pair.
One soul, one mind
is what we share.

Debbie A. Burrous

Quote About My Mom

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In the midst of it all
I know who to call
My hero, my friend
The one I call Mom.

- Abby

The Special Bond Between Father And Daughter

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He was always my pillar
When I knew I'd fall,
Always my anchor,
So strong and tall.

- Unknown Mystery

Quote For Mom

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You are the sunlight in my day.
You are the moon I see far away.
You are the tree I lean upon.
You are the one that makes troubles be gone.

- Champagne S. Baker

Some Things Our Moms Do

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Some things our moms do
may seem a bit strange,
but wait until you become one
and you might be the same.

Samantha Blackwood

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