Best Friend Poem

A Poem For Best Friends

This is a poem for best friends.

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As I'm starting to write this, I'm actually getting emotional. The first time I met my best friend was in 2017, when I had just come from Darjeeling to Nepal. We had no clue that we would...

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© more by Margery Wang

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2008 with permission of the Author.

I still remember the first day we met.
We were too shy to say much at all.
It's funny to think back to that time,
Because now we're having a ball!

They say that true friendship is rare,
An adage that I believe to be true.
Genuine friendship is something that I cherish.
I am so lucky to have met you.

Our bond is extremely special.
It is unique in its own way.
We have something irreplaceable.
I love you more and more each day.

We've been through so much together.
In so little time we've shared ,
I will never forget all the moments
That you've shown me how much you cared.

Friends are forever,
Especially the bond that you and I possess.
I love your fun-filled personality.
Somehow you never fail to impress.

The world could use more people like you.
It would certainly be a better place.
I love everything about you.
You are someone I could never replace.

You are always there for me
When my spirits need a little lift.
I cannot thank you enough for that.
You are truly an extraordinary gift.

You are everything to me and more.
I could never express that enough.
Life is such a treacherous journey, and
Without you it would be even more tough.

Our story will continue to grow
With each passing day,
Because I trust that with you by my side,
Everything will always be okay.

You are so dear to me.
You know I will love you until the end.
I will always be there for you, and
You will always (and forever) be my best friend.


more by Margery Wang

  • Stories 84
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Sambhrant Pyakurel by Sambhrant Pyakurel
  • 5 years ago

As I'm starting to write this, I'm actually getting emotional. The first time I met my best friend was in 2017, when I had just come from Darjeeling to Nepal. We had no clue that we would come this far and deep into our friendship at all. There was is one guy who always used to get jealous and interfere when we tried to talk. And yes, my best friend is a girl! She always used to tell me to ignore that person and talk to her more often. As I hadn't studied in a co-ed school, I felt shy at first to get in touch with any girl, but she made me so comfortable when I was with her. She was such an understanding girl and she still is so very understanding. I love my best friend.

  • JC by JC
  • 6 years ago

I just received a letter from my best friend with this poem included. I absolutely love it as it describes our relationship JUST perfectly from the day we first met. She is my strength, my confidante, my motivator, and the best part of me. It is a crazy feeling to have a best friend who is everything you ever wanted in a best friend. I can't imagine my life without her. Thanks for publishing such a brilliant poem.

  • Alia by Alia
  • 6 years ago

Reminds me of my best friend. She and I did everything together. I was always there for her even when she was ill. I had to move away to live with my mom. I left my best friend after knowing her my whole life. I had been living away from her for about 2 months, and we would talk on the phone every night, but then I couldn't call as much because I was busy. Three more months passed, and we spoke nonstop for 2 weeks, but on Tuesday, September 15, 2015 we got a phone call, and it wasn't good news. My mom, sister, and I packed our stuff and booked train tickets. We were on our way to get to her. It was sad. I was sitting alone on my own on the whole train ride. I felt like I was to blame. Then we got another phone call, and it wasn't the news we were hoping for. She passed away at 11:47pm that night. I wish I could still talk to her. She meant so much to me.

  • By Waqas Imtiaz ,Kashmir by By Waqas Imtiaz ,Kashmir
  • 7 years ago

I am very interested in this poem. Our story is legend. I have 2 friends I am most grateful for. I have no words about my friends because both of them are so different, and they are always there for me when I am in trouble. Sometimes I feel God sent them in the world for me. I will be sure never to lose this unique and wonderful friendship.

  • Ara Wijayakusuma by Ara Wijayakusuma
  • 7 years ago

I met my bestie only three years ago... but our moments are truly unforgettable. I remember when I first met her, I thought she looked scary, because she was so tall and serious--plus she looks a lot like a boy! Now that I've known her, I love her soooo much. She understands that I'm having dermatillomania, and she helps me stop, and even though I haven't recovered completely, I've got enough guts to stop picking my skin. Yesterday was graduation day, and we had to say goodbye... I couldn't hold my tears when we hugged goodbye. She doesn't usually cry, but this time she had unshed tears in her eyes. We promise to always, always be friends, no matter where we are... I'll never, ever forget her. In the future, I'm going to name my daughter after her :) ♡

  • Allyssa Ligotino by Allyssa Ligotino
  • 7 years ago

It was in sixth grade when I met my bestie. Her name was Jolee. When I heard she was coming I acted mad because I thought she was going to steal my best friend, Kindre. I knew somthing was going to happen to us and then something did. No, we don't really talk, but I guess I didn't care as long as I had Jolee. Another friend wanted to be our friend because her ex best friend was boy crazy. I guess it worked out for all of us.

  • Zina Khebou by Zina Khebou, Africa
  • 7 years ago

This reminded me of Emna, my best friend. Our story is legend. The first time I saw her it was when Ii was switching schools. I remember walking in Miss Rihabs class and everyone was fake smiling. That year was the roughest. I struggled a lot because I was everything but funny. Emna was the exact opposite. I didn't get the whole teenage thing, but I knew Amal. Bad news (manipulating and using her friends as Guinea pigs). Surprisingly, it didn't take long for her to make the whole class hate me, telling untrue rumors. I never understood why, but I just felt sorry for her that she can't help that she can only feel good about herself hurting others. She spewed fire when me and Emna started to be best buddies and doing everything together. Somehow Emna understood me, and I am the strong person I've become today because what we survived through (she stopped cutting from depression; I finally got over sulking). Three years later people still get us mixed up as sisters.

  • Noora Ismail by Noora Ismail
  • 7 years ago

This is a very nice and wonderful story. This poem has made me take one step back, remembering my friend...and our childhood...the fun we had and the tricks we played. This poem gives a very positive thought about friends. Thank you for this wonderful poem.

  • Skyla Michael Vaughn by Skyla Michael Vaughn
  • 7 years ago

No matter how strange and crazy you may be... you will still be my best friend who is like a sister to me. You never gave up hope on me. I love you and I always will. We're best friends for life.

  • Nikita by Nikita
  • 8 years ago

I love my friends a lot! I promise to do anything for them, no matter what! I will always be there for you them, and I love them to the moon and back.

  • Deisha by Deisha
  • 8 years ago

I love this poem very much, it reminds me of my best friend who always is there for me in times of trouble and who always takes care of me and I want to say that I really love you no matter what.

  • Milly by Milly
  • 8 years ago

My best friend is always with me, and I love her no matter what.

  • Rose Kelley by Rose Kelley
  • 8 years ago

This poem describes me and my best friend to a tee. We both never really knew real true friendship until we became bffs. We both feel that God sent each other in the same direction that day our friendship started. She has been there for me through the worst things that could possibly ever happen to anyone, but yet she stood by and took my hand and said to me ...we got this my friend...I will always be grateful. I feel very blessed to have her call me her best friend...I love you to the moon and back . r b

  • Reina Castillo by Reina Castillo
  • 8 years ago

I was really touched by this poem. I almost started crying and I know my best friend will too. My best friend Elizabeth reminds me of this poem. We've known each other since kindergarten and I will be sure never to loose this unique and wonderful friendship I have with her.

  • Saloni by Saloni, Texas
  • 10 years ago

This story really touched me because I have 2 best friends who are the most helpful people EVER to me. Abby and Mary are the people who remind me of this poem. I will make sure I never lose them.

  • Kayla Desherlia by Kayla Desherlia, Illinois
  • 10 years ago

I have a best friend who moved to Costa Rica eight months ago now. I cried so hard when she left, and I miss her so much. It's incredible how we are always there for each other though, even though we are so far apart. My grandfather passed away very recently and I was devastated. Alyssa, along with my other best friends, helped me to keep myself together during those hard times. I can't thank her enough for being there for me, even when we couldn't be THERE for each other, physically. Usually all it took was a hug and I would feel better, but just knowing that she was there and would respond as soon as I needed her was more helpful than she will ever know. This is the type of friendship that is sometimes unbelievable. How we can be so close at heart, get so very far away in person. I love you chika!

  • Sierra by Sierra, Tennessee
  • 10 years ago

This poem reminds me of my best friend. We have been best friends since 8th grade and inseparable! Well I just moved into College faraway and she stayed home doing college at the local community college. This is the worst situation, we have been so upset and spent 2 entire weeks together before I left. I just moved in today and she couldn't come and help because she had to work. She texted me that she loves me and wishes me well in college. I love her so much and this is going to be really tough on us but we are such strong friends that we shouldn't pull apart. I put this poem in my good bye message to her so thank you for writing this poem, it really hits home.

  • Sierra by Sierra, Florida
  • 10 years ago

Me and my friend have been friends since birth. She's practically my sister. I sent her this poem over Instagram because we've been very distant lately and I wanted to show her how much she meant to me. Thank you so much for this poem<3 my friend hasn't read it yet but I know she will read it and cherish it forever :) Thanks again for this poem I was crying while I wrote it to her.

  • Claire by Claire, England
  • 10 years ago

Wow! very heart touching, this makes me think of my best friend. You have a wonderful talent for poetry. Very beautiful words I've never read a poem as good as that, and makes think of happy memories. You truly are great <3

  • Laura by Laura, Cali
  • 10 years ago

This poem made me think of my AMAZING best friend. I love her soooo much. We have known each other since 6th grade and I will be a freshman soon. She has always been there for me no matter. I have no idea what I would ever do without her.

Thank you for making this poem, I will send it to her.

I love you to death Lex! <3

  • Jillian by Jillian, Belleville New Jersey
  • 10 years ago

I have a best friend like this and this is how we met. My sister was going to a party at her friends house. Her friend wanted my sister to bring my brother and I to her house. My sister brought us to her house. My brother and I Went downstairs and met her siblings. At first it was so awkward but we warmed up fast and we got to know them. They were so much fun. I saw the them again the next morning and my friend and I talked and got to know each other. We are now best friends I love her to death

  • Alex by Alex
  • 10 years ago

This poem reminds me of the powerful bond between me and my best friend of many years.

  • Sara Majolie by Sara Majolie
  • 10 years ago

Love this poem <3. My best friend is a boy named David lots of people say why a boy?? It's because I think that there are little girls to whom you can tell your secrets and much more and because I had two best friends who left me for others. SO and our teacher told us to write a poem about nature, best friends and so much more and I decided to write about my best friend. Well searching found this poem that touched me and wrote it down for him and read it in class. Hum the owner of this poem is so WOW! <3 love my best friend even though he's sick. LOVE You

  • Millers by Millers
  • 11 years ago

I love this poem. My best friend (KAITLYNNE) will love this poem. Her birthday is Thursday the 24 of October!! I hope that she loves and appreciates this poem as much as I did!!!! Bye everybody! Peace out!!

  • Sa by Sa
  • 11 years ago

I have a bestie her name is Emmere. I don't know what I'd do without her to be honest she is the only person who really understands me. I just want to thank her for all the laughs, hugs and love she gave and I hope that moving to different high schools won't break our amazing friendship.
Love you Emmie <3

  • Kavya by Kavya, California
  • 11 years ago

Oh my god I love this poem! I have this best friend that always put a smile on my face and always teased me. I just love him to death. I think about him everyday about the great times together. I honestly will never forget those moments. I find it funny how when we first met it was really awkward and then we became the best of buddies. It's summer now and I can't see him anymore. He texts me a lot, but since I was gone and my phone didn't work he erased his text messenger which means I can't contact him. I'll ask one of my friends. He just makes me smile and feel more confident in myself and helped me become the person I love in myself today. I love him so much I just wish I could savor those moments. Unfortunately it will never happen again because we have different classes and never get to see each other, which makes me sad, but also thankful to God for having the opportunity to have this kind of relationship. I just love him and I want him to know that.

  • Christine by Christine, Wisconsin
  • 11 years ago

I'm sharing this with my best friend because I will be moving soon I'll make sure to say you wrote this amazing poem!!! I have a feeling she will cry...

  • Komal J by Komal J, Leicester
  • 11 years ago

I have a bestest truest friend who I like to dedicate this poem to, just to show how much I love and appreciate her. she's everything to me, I can't afford to lose her. I love you Riya!! Even though we are far away from each other I still love her!!!!!!

  • Pablo Innocent by Pablo Innocent
  • 11 years ago

I have a friend who I like to dedicate the poem to, just to show how much I love and appreciate her. she's everything to me, I can't afford to lose her. I love you Musa!

  • My Name by My Name
  • 11 years ago

I have a best friend but she moved to another town and this poem reminded me of her and good times we had together. Thank you

  • Clara by Clara
  • 11 years ago

I am writing this out and giving it to my best friend for her birthday! I wanted to let her know that I love her. I love you tay!

  • Tom Warren by Tom Warren
  • 11 years ago

OMG! Moved to tears as my best friend is exactly like this but sadly we will be departing from each other soon we will miss each other dearly

  • Niquita by Niquita
  • 11 years ago

I used this poem for a talent show with my best friend for a poem recital, my best friends loved it, I loved it.

  • Rezwana by Rezwana, London
  • 11 years ago

Me and my bestfriend have been together since nursery! When I was in reception, I had been moved to a different class permanently. Although she was my best friend, we never knew each other that well. I made new best friends in my other class but not as better as my first: Maisha. When I was in Y3, because of my constant chatter in class, my teacher had moved me back to my old class. I'm still in this class now and I'm in Y6. In Y4, it was my first year back in my old class and the only person who actually knew me from heart was Maisha. We didn't really know each other at the beginning of my journey in Y4 but as time went on, in Y4 we became the best of friends once again. We were reunited! YAY! Right now I just cannot live without her! I don't know what I would do without her. Although my friends in my other class are still my best friends, no one can ever break my trust into loving Maisha as a big sister to me! I <3 her with all my heart! Best Friends Forever!!

  • Patrick by Patrick, Newark Nj
  • 11 years ago

I like this poem a lot and going to sent it to best friend who is Africa - Cameroon on Valentine day. Thanks

  • Briahna by Briahna, Tennessee
  • 11 years ago

I'm giving my friend this poem for valentine day

  • Logan Barna by Logan Barna, Ohio
  • 11 years ago

This is everything I wanted to say to her and more. She really loves and appreciates the poem. She's my best friend and this poem says exactly how I feel about her and our friendship. Thanks to whoever wrote this! It is truly a fantastic poem. I love my best friend very much. Thank you very much!!

  • Monica Wallace by Monica Wallace
  • 11 years ago

OMG this is so cool I write down the whole thing and give it to my friend and she said she love then we give each other a hug and that was the best day of my life.

  • James Grills by James Grills, India
  • 11 years ago

Its really a nice poem.
I love my best friend and just wish we love and care for each other forever and be best friends forever and ever after!

  • Dr Rameshwari Thakur by Dr Rameshwari Thakur
  • 11 years ago

This poem is so wonderful: full of emotions, sentiments & about true love which grows with time, & doesn't diminish with distance. This is the best poem about the best friend I have ever read.

Thanks a lot!

  • Nkori by Nkori, Belgium
  • 11 years ago

This is so sad yet true cause I feel the same for my best friend but now we are sort of not talking anymore cause we just didn't share the same point of view on some things... Anyway, I just love this poem.

  • Brooke Stone by Brooke Stone, Wolfforth Texas
  • 12 years ago

This makes me appreciate my best friend so much more! It also makes me sad because I feel like I'm losing her since we started high school...

  • Ursula Cooper by Ursula Cooper
  • 12 years ago

I love this poem!!!! Makes me think of my two bestest ever friends, who are twins and practically inseparable. This poem says exactly what I can never find the words to say myself...

  • Lauren by Lauren
  • 12 years ago

I love this poem it's so good and I have a friend like that and it's awesome to have a friend like that. Who ever wrote this did a great job because it can touch peoples friendship :)

  • Utah by Utah
  • 12 years ago

I'm crying because I had to move and she's gone from my life........ forever. I makes me sad how much I want her back. I will never be fully happy or complete without her.

  • Alexia-Rose by Alexia-Rose, Haileybury
  • 12 years ago

I really love this poem, it really expresses the feeling best friends have and this poem is very, VERY true to a whole lot of best friends, I thank you soooo much for posting this wonderful poem.

  • Valerie by Valerie
  • 12 years ago

I was feeling a little down today, so I began thinking about my Best Friend, and how much I love her. I searched the Internet for a Best Friend poem and found this one. It touched me in a special, powerful way. She and I met in the 11th grade. I was the new girl at school and she befriended me. We've been together ever since. We are now in our early 50s. It would take a book to explain all the wonderful journeys we've shared. I just want MKMC to know how much I love her and how special she is.

  • Blaine by Blaine, Minnesota
  • 12 years ago

This reminds me of me and my best friend. She was the one who actually admitted that I was her best friend. I think much of it but now I'm crazy about her and me. I don't think she feels the same way I do but I think she does in a way. I love her to death and I hope we keep in touch for the rest of our life's because I'll always remember her as the one who 1st said I was her best friend. Ily jubilee

  • Baltimore by Baltimore, Maryland
  • 12 years ago

This poem was very touching , and something that means a lot to people that can really relate to it like I can . This poem is pretty much everything between me and my bestfriend !! I love this poem , touched me a lot (:

  • Rick by Rick
  • 12 years ago

I just sent this poem to someone I love but she doesn't feel the same way, but I just love having her in my life as a friend, my best friend, rather than not have her there at all, does that make sense??? Lol

  • Sophie James by Sophie James
  • 12 years ago

I love my best friend she really is the best but now she is leaving there is nothing else to do just cry for nothing and think of all the good times that we had together, when she is miserable I am too so we are like twins but I just love so much.

  • Chicago Illinois by Chicago Illinois
  • 12 years ago

This poem made me realize that no matter what if you leave or if you haven't talked to your best friend in a while you will always have that special bond when you connect again and that friends is a special thing in your life

  • Breanna by Breanna, Springfield Ohio
  • 12 years ago

Well I was a new student and I'm not usually shy but coming to a new school not knowing anyone did scare me. Then I met the most amazing person in my life and I wouldn't trade her for the world. It seems like God made her for me because we are perfect for each other. She doesn't judge me and accepts me for me. I couldn't ask for a better friend. I love you best friend for life and death

  • Georgia by Georgia, England
  • 12 years ago

I have a friend like that I cherish her every day I see her, but I don't think she knows how much I do. She is like my sister she has had a hard childhood but together we made it through! and hopefully that will never ever end and if it does I don't know what I would do. loves you Eddie! <3

  • Alicia by Alicia
  • 12 years ago

Makes me think about my BFF, he is the best thing that's ever happened to me <3

  • Esme Sawyers by Esme Sawyers
  • 12 years ago

I love my best friend so much and me and her were born to be together! I used to be bullied until I met her! She turned my life around. One of my good friends died and he was only 14. So this poem is really amazing and makes me want to cry...

  • Patricia Kubicki by Patricia Kubicki, New Hampshire USA
  • 12 years ago

I haven't a story at this time but did love your poem. You sure put your heart into it & I call that type of poem a heart poem... Keep it up, it's excellent!!!

  • Cassidy by Cassidy
  • 12 years ago

This is what me and my bestfriend are like! Me and him have a special bond that I can't explain. I love him to death and I just moved here so we have shared many moments together in just a few months. He really is a great guy. He is my bestfriend! I have my girlfriends too but he is my best guy friend ever!:)<3

  • Yvette by Yvette, Chicago
  • 12 years ago

I love my best friend she is always there for me and I will always be there for her. I love that poem is reminds me of me and her.

  • Kelly by Kelly, Sherman Oaks
  • 12 years ago

This is such a sweet poem I started crying!!! I met my best friend in daycare!!!! She is there for me through my ups and downs and never doubts me at anything!!! I love her so much!!!! She is awesome!!! This poem reminds me of my BFF Madison and I. I love you Madison!!!!

  • Deandrea by Deandrea, Shiprock
  • 12 years ago

Omg! That remind me of my best best friend we love to do amazing stuff together! I love him so much! He's like my brother. I spend a whole lot of time with him! 24 hour probably?? Maybe 13?? Idk a lot of time though Haha.
So this reminds me of him. I love it!! <3 <3

  • Aabbey Adams by Aabbey Adams, Basildon Essex
  • 12 years ago

This is sooo much like me and my best friend Shanna. She is always there for me when I am upset and I am always there for her when she is upset. We will always and forever be true best friends! Love you Shanna xxxxxx

  • Jada by Jada, Dallas
  • 12 years ago

I love it me and my friend is just like that I can't wait to give it to her on Monday

  • Briana by Briana, Austin
  • 12 years ago

This poem is true in soo many ways. I have a best friend that has been there for me since 7th grade and it never ceases to amaze me how amazing and wonderful he is. I love him with all my heart and I can't imagine my life without him. I love you Angel<3

  • Sophia by Sophia, Pennsylvania
  • 12 years ago

I love this poem I gave this to my friend because we got in to a huge fight to day. I read this to her, this made me and her best friends thanks to your poem thanks

  • Elizabeth by Elizabeth, North Carolina
  • 12 years ago

this poem is beautiful.. it helps me get through a really bad day. my bestfriend just moved to South Carolina so its been hard and this poem just helps me remember all the good memories.

  • Zoe by Zoe, Vevay
  • 13 years ago

I lived in Vevay, Indiana throughout elementary until about the middle of 2nd grade and then I moved to Milan, Indiana and then I moved back to Vevay in the time period of a month. Then I moved to Versailles, Indiana at the end of that year. I stayed there until about the middle of fourth grade and then I moved to Florence, Kentucky. See even though I didn't move to a lot of different cities, I did move a whole lot in each city I moved to. In about the middle of 8th grade I moved back to my wonderfully, small hometown, Vevay. My childhood was pretty screwed up and I didn't remember much of it, but the one thing, or should I say person, I remembered was my bestfriend from kindergarten. See, when you remember someone after a lifetime of heartache and broken-down childhood dreams, you know they made an impact on your life and that they are important to you. Me and her are extremely close now and I'm proud to say she's my bestfriend. She will always be in my heart <3

  • Ashlie Dame by Ashlie Dame
  • 13 years ago

I love this poem!! it made me wanna cry the 1st time I read this!! and I bet my best friend will feel the same way:.)

  • Madi by Madi, Waterloo
  • 13 years ago

My best friend moved to Zurich and I miss her a bunch. We had sleepovers every Friday and we were inseparable.

  • Taralynn by Taralynn, Albany
  • 13 years ago

this is really good! I have a best friend that's always there for me no matter what. she's awesome, and I had this crush who became her boyfriend, and I still kind of liked him, and she didn't get mad at all!

  • Nasra by Nasra, London
  • 13 years ago

wwooooowh! This poem is so touching... I have a best friend like that and everyone in my class knew I was talking about her when I had to read it to the class...

  • Elizabeth by Elizabeth
  • 13 years ago

Wow I sent this to my best friend, she cried. Me and her are like the ying and the yang the ping and the pong. we are never apart from each other :)

  • Ariba by Ariba, Texas
  • 13 years ago

Thanks for writing this poem!!! I will give this to my bestie on her birthday! I think she would love it! its everything she is! funny, happy, loving, caring! thnx for writing it! its the best poem ever!!! Lol

  • Cara by Cara, South Carolina
  • 13 years ago

I love this poem!!! I am using it for a project at my school. I only wish I knew more about the writer. This poem is amazing! I feel in love with it the first time I read it! It is beautiful... Hope I can find more about the author... Wish me luck! :D

  • Annette by Annette, Houston Tx
  • 13 years ago

I love this poem. It is amazing. Reminds me of my best friend. (: She is everything the poem says.
I do love her more and more everyday. She's always herself. Energetic. Lovable. Happy. Proud of who she is and what she does.

  • Christina by Christina
  • 13 years ago

touches me
reminds me of one of my friend
who is my TRUE FRIEND but not best friends
when I fight with her I cannot stop thinking about her
until I said I am sorry then I was able to concentrate on studies

  • Pj by Pj, Indiana
  • 13 years ago

I have been looking for a poem to give to my bestfriend today is her birthday. I found yours and it is truly a blessing, everything I want to say to her. She has been so good to me and I didn't know what to get her for her birthday. This is going to be a beautiful gift. I know she is going to love it. Thank you for saying what I need to say.

  • Robin by Robin, Ohio
  • 13 years ago

I loved the poem! it is how I feel about my best friend forever Kelly! thank you for helping me express my own feelings....

  • Carla by Carla, Knoxville
  • 13 years ago

I recently had open heart surgery and I have a friend that was there with me... just want to tell you thank you for posting, I can never write what my heart feels except for saying thank you. but thank you for these beautiful words.

  • Alice by Alice, Portugal
  • 13 years ago

I loved this poem, it's just so genuine.
I don't have 1 girl best friend, but I have my important girls.
I have a best guy friend and I love him so much, but I'm a little insecure about it... I loved it, really, thank you so much for writing this poem... best friends are 4ever

  • Miki by Miki, India
  • 14 years ago

wow...I just loved it.
well I'm thankful 2 the person who wrote it...and put the words and feelings what I exactly feel for my best friend...thanks a ton....:-)

  • Krissie by Krissie
  • 14 years ago

Hey I love this poem. I have a bestie just like that and I thought about her and times we spent together..thanks for good memories

  • Laraine Smith by Laraine Smith
  • 15 years ago

I love this poem! It makes me happy during a hard day. It also makes me want to cry. I am lonely right now. This poem has love written all over it! It is alive!

  • lindsay by lindsay
  • 15 years ago

that's a awesome poem and I have a best friend like that

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