Best Friend Poem

Poem For Saying Thanks To A Great Friend

My best friend brings out the best of me, and I just wanted to tell her she is the best and that she will always be in my heart.

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Aw, you have a friend, lots of them. You just haven't found them yet. Good friends are hard to come by. I have one best friend, and it took almost a lifetime to find her. I moved to Arizona...

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My Best Friend


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2011 with permission of the Author.

Best friends are angels
That God sent along.
They always stay beside you
Whenever things go wrong.

I'm glad that God blessed me
With a good friend such as you.
A person to be there,
A person to get me through.

Never turn away from me.
I can't bear to be apart.
All the pain and suffering
Will be too much for my heart.

You are my best friend,
The one who brightens my day.
The one who cheers me up,
The one who's here to stay.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Priscilla N Dube by Priscilla N Dube, Zimbabwe,Bulawayo
  • 4 years ago

There was a time when I thought there was no such thing as true friendship until a girl showed me kindness and we started being there for each other. I love her very much.

  • Ariel Sky by Ariel Sky
  • 5 years ago

My best friend means the world to me. About 3 months ago she was diagnosed with cancer again. She's so strong and beautiful, and I can't stop thinking what if. What if she doesn't make it? What if something goes wrong? What if it changes her? What if?

  • Preeti Bh Bharaj by Preeti Bh Bharaj, united arab emirates, Sharjah
  • 5 years ago

I have a three best friends. I am really thankful for them because they will always help me in every situation. If ever there's a problem, they don't leave me, and they care, understand and love me. I really love them by my heart. I love you Kashaf, Silvia, Husaina. Kashaf is caring, Silvia is understanding and, Husaina is funny. That is why I love you guys so much.

  • Vanessa by Vanessa
  • 7 years ago

Veronica, if you're reading this, I want you to know that you are the best friend that I could ever wish for. You seem like you're not sweet on the outside, but you are the sweetest girl on the inside, and that's one thing I have noticed about you. Thank you for always being there for me, and I hope we will stay together as friends forever.
From your friend, Vanessa

  • Joolia by Joolia
  • 7 years ago

I send these poetic lines to my lovely friend, and she was very impressed with this poem. I was very happy that she loved this.

  • Sherif Shahinn by Sherif Shahinn
  • 7 years ago

I met this boy named Jacob, and he was really nice to me when I sang this song to him. He's my baby and my number 1. I hope he stays with me for the rest of my life. Jacob, if your reading this I love you in a friend way!

  • Sinead Green by Sinead Green
  • 7 years ago

When l was in grade 3 l didn't have any friends, and then l met a girl named Tiyana. She was nice to me, and then we started playing with each other. We had so much fun. We have been friends since. WE are in grade 6 now and we are best friends still.

  • Jess by Jess
  • 7 years ago

My best friend's a 12 year old girl named Stacey Crimson. She's beautiful with long blonde hair and colorful clothes. She's the best friend in the world and I couldn't ask for anything more. We ride out bikes together, we play together, and she has a friend named Michelle. And now she's my friend too. Unlike trying to make me happy when I'm sad, she gives great advice to make me feel better. I know she really cares about me. I could be drowning, and I wouldn't have to worry because I know she would save me. She's there for me when I'm sad and lonely. The best news ever is that her family is going on vacation and I'm coming along. We're going to California.

  • Jess by Jess
  • 7 years ago

Girls need a best friend when they feel pain and sadness. Sadly, I'm sad all the time. I don't have any friends.

  • Dorothy Treadwell by Dorothy Treadwell
  • 2 years ago

Aw, you have a friend, lots of them. You just haven't found them yet. Good friends are hard to come by. I have one best friend, and it took almost a lifetime to find her. I moved to Arizona and got a job at a convenience store when I was 40, and she was working there. That's where we met. We have been best friends for 18 years. You will find your forever friend, just you wait and see. Bless you!

  • Jess by Jess
  • 7 years ago

Yes, Jess! You are right. A girl needs a friend, someone to laugh with, someone who will listen to you when you're sad and be happy when you're happy. Smile and be a friend to others, and I am sure someone will see that you could be their best friend.

  • Erica Quijano by Erica Quijano
  • 7 years ago

I have a two best friends. I am really thankful for them because they will always be there for me. If ever there's a problem, they don't leave me, and they care about me. I really love them deep down inside my heart. I love you so much, Bevelou and Danilyn.

  • Shae-lee Dorsey by Shae-lee Dorsey
  • 8 years ago

I have a best friend named Iyana Blue Elbers, and we have been best friends for 4 or 5 years now. Today is her birthday. I really love her; she's always there for me when I need her, and I'm always there for her when she needs me. I read this to her on her birthday, and she smiled and laughed with me. Happy birthday, best friend!

  • Jess by Jess
  • 7 years ago

Wow! You're such an amazing friend. Can you give me suggestions on how to be a great friend to Stacey?

  • Samaya by Samaya
  • 8 years ago

This poem really touched me because me and my best friend have known each other for 4 years and we are like sisters. She is there for me when I need her and I am there for her when she needs me, when I am sad or not acting like myself she cheers me up and she has such a beautiful personality. I love her so much I hope we can be best friends forever.

  • Esthe Jumbe by Esthe Jumbe
  • 8 years ago

That was beautiful. I used to have a close friend like yours. We've been friends since I was in first grade. Now I'm in junior high. I want us to always be like this, but we're not. We lost everything, but I hope everything goes back to normal like it used to be.

  • Marina Rosales by Marina Rosales, Pittsburgh Tx
  • 9 years ago

Me and my best friend have been friends for 2 years. Honestly I'm blessed to have her in my life, even though I moved to a different school, she's still my best friend. Nobody can replace her, I love her she's my sister/best friend. She's always there for me and I'm always there for her. Faith is my best friend.... Lol she's like my sister. I'm truly blessed to have her in my life. Love you Faith!

  • CC by CC, CA
  • 9 years ago

I have a special best friend who I haven't known long, but discovered that best friends aren't a matter of "how long", but a matter of love. She's always there for me and I the same for her. When I see her going through this tough time right now, I cry because she deserves so much better. I wish I had a magic wand to make it all ok again, but I don't. She has recently gone through an accident that involved a procedure to be done where she almost died, that was the hardest day because I knew she was in pain and could've let go, but she held on and fought through it. She's still fighting, and I wanna be here with her through it all until the end because I love her so much. I honestly don't think I've ever loved someone more than I love my best friend because she is always here for me and has never given up on me. I try to stay strong for her and let her know it's ok to cry, but sometimes the tears start and don't stop. I thank God for my best friend because I'm happy we met & I love her.

  • Kaitlyn by Kaitlyn
  • 10 years ago

I can not bear it when others hurt her. I feel like I need to die for her every time that she cries. When she is hurting I feel like killing that person that made her cry. The one that made her cry says "stay out of this, Kaitlyn." But how can I when I love her so much? She is the most important person to me.

  • Abigail by Abigail, Jamaica
  • 10 years ago

I have a lot of best friends, but this one the is the best, we do everything together. I love her, when I'm sad she makes me happy. I love her she loves me, love you Tahara, your BFF Abby.

  • Vicki by Vicki, Melbourne
  • 10 years ago

I have a best friend who's like my second mum and mentor. I honestly don't know what I'd do without her because she supports me with everything and makes me believe in myself. She has done so much for me that I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay her. She helped me get my first car, helped me to present myself better, and was my mentor during my work experience placement.

My friend's husband is also one of my closest friends, he supports me and believes in me just as much. They are like my support system and can make me smile no matter how low I am feeling, and are the ones who are keeping me motivated while I'm going through a tough time in my life.

Love them so much and I consider them second parents, that's how much they mean to me. I'd be lost without these guys

  • Mirza Anam Beg by Mirza Anam Beg, New Delhi
  • 10 years ago

Hi. I have two best friends. Both are my soul mates. Whenever I need someone, they are always by my side no matter what the situation is. If ever I feel low, they are the very first to approach me to raise me up. I feel blessed to have both of them in my life. It had not been even a year for us to be together, but still I can very surely say that our friendship is very much unending. Nothing or no one could ever create misunderstanding among us because our bonding and trust upon each other is so much that we cannot even listen to any bad words against each other. I wish our friendship goes far and forever.

  • Tabitha by Tabitha, North Carolina
  • 11 years ago

I have known my best friend since the 3rd grade. At first we didn't like each other until our teacher made us partners for an assignment, and after that we realized how much we really liked each other. We have been inseparable for nearly ten years. I can tell her I need her and she will be there for me no matter what. Even through our little disagreements, I know that nothing or no one could ever tear us apart. The bond we have is so strong. More than best friends, more like sisters. I can tell her anything with no judgment and she always gives me the best advice. She makes me laugh and smile even when I don't want to sometimes. She's gotten me through things I never thought I could live through. She is the sunshine in my life. She is the type of friend that no matter where we are in life, she will always be there.

  • Jess by Jess
  • 7 years ago

I have a best friend like that, too. I love her. I wish I could hug her.

  • Ohio by Ohio
  • 11 years ago

My best friend and I have known each other for 2 years. I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but to me it is. I feel like I have known HIM forever though. Anyways, HE is the best thing that has ever happened to me. we do sports together and we have a class together, just one.. but that's good enough for us. We make time to see each other through the day. It's funny when I think about it because there was a time not that long ago when I thought that I would never be able to have that kind of a friendship with someone, then HE came along. Over the couple of months we have really become closer. And now, without even holding back, I know that HE is the one that I would want to spend the rest of my life with. My best friend. My soulmate, I love YOU.

  • Nathalie Tobias by Nathalie Tobias
  • 11 years ago

I have a best friend, he's always there for me, when a day goes by without seeing me, he text or call to see how I am doing, when I am sad he always has the best jokes to put a smile on my face, but mostly his presence helps me get through the day......

  • New Jersey by New Jersey
  • 11 years ago

My Best Friend I knew since grade school and we are more like sisters. Whenever she needs me at any time of the day I'm there to help. Our family claims that we are sisters no matter what. She been there through it all. There's people that comes up to her and tells her I talk about her when she already know I don't she tells them to stop trying to break our friendship because nothing is going to work. She knows me like a book. Yeah we argue and stuff but that same day we make up and we are still friends. It's not everyday you can find someone that can always be there for you through it all and forever. We said whoever has a child first we're going to name it after the other one. I love my bestfriend to the fullest always and forever.

  • Jaiden by Jaiden, Kansas
  • 12 years ago

I have a BFF, He is My BFF, If he notices I am upset or sad, I tell him Okay and look away and then Cry. He hugs me and says I know you aren't. I always sit alone at School and listen to music and every time he sees me alone he sits by me and asks what's wrong and never leaves when I lie and say I'm okay.

  • Raven by Raven
  • 13 years ago

I have made many friends. I know a lot of people. None of them are exactly alike, but there is one that stands out from the crowd. He is my very best friend. If people bother me he tells them to leave me alone. If he notices I'm in a bad mood or I'm sad he asks me what's wrong and won't take just a shrug or nothing as the answer. He is always there for me when I need a friend. He tells me what he thinks if I ask him something. He doesn't laugh at me when I tell him something. For all of this I am glad he is my best friend. I could not thank him enough.. He has been there for me when I needed a friend the most.

  • Nicky by Nicky
  • 8 years ago

God has given me the most precious and beautiful gift, in the form of best friend. Without him, nothing appears to be good. He is always there for me whatever the situation may be. He is my soulmate, and best mentor and motivator. It feels so good when we have someone who cares for us without having any selfish motives. And it is he, who makes me complete. Thanks for being such a part of my life. Hope to be like this always.

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