Short Friendship Poem

Poem About Improving Someone's Day

I love smiles. I love smiling at people and receiving smiles. I've seen many times that when a person is sad, a smile could turn his whole day around and make him happy or at least make him forget his pain.

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I love this poem because this poem describes a smile. A smile is the only thing that can change the mood of a person. A person can avoid and forget his pain. His life is changed because of a...

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A Smile

© more by Malak Meleka

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2016 with permission of the Author.

When someone's having a bad day,
A smile could go a long way,
So make sure to put one on
And keep it until the day is gone.
You don't know what this deed
Could do for a friend in need.
It might save them from the pain
Of a sadness they cannot contain.
Don't ask what a smile can do
Because I'm sure it once helped you.


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  • Stories 4
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  • Rating 4.46
  • Poem of the Day
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Joshua Emenyia by Joshua Emenyia, Nigeria
  • 3 weeks ago

I really love your poem because smile is a feeling that brightens up the body. Great wishes, joshua

  • Anushka Patil by Anushka Patil
  • 4 years ago

I love this poem because this poem describes a smile. A smile is the only thing that can change the mood of a person. A person can avoid and forget his pain. His life is changed because of a smile.

  • Ika Gantalaobolao by Ika Gantalaobolao
  • 4 years ago

I really like this poem. Thank you so much. When I read this, I could relate to it, and I dedicate it to my one and only best friend. Thank you for being my friend!

  • Madeline by Madeline
  • 5 years ago

I love this poem very much. The poet has put out so much what a smile can do for a needy fella. I understand how it feels when you feel so down and need someone to cheer you up, at least with a smile. I just love the poem.

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