Short Friendship Poem

Short True Friend Poem

Many people have friends they can trust. Some have friends who aren't loyal and friends who don't treat others the way they should. So this poem is to let a friend know how special they are. It also tells you what a real friend is like.

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I love this so much it made my whole family smile.

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True Friend


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2012 with permission of the Author.

A friend is like a star that twinkles and glows
Or maybe like the ocean that gently flows.
A friend is like gold that you should treasure
And take care of forever and ever.
A friend is like an angel that is there to guide you.
A friend is someone you can trust out of a few.
A friend is more than one in a million.
They are one in a ca-zillion,
And you, my friend, are very special
and so it is official.


  • Stories 7
  • Shares 26740
  • Favorited 67
  • Votes 4430
  • Rating 4.28
  • Poem of the Day
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Olivia Murray by Olivia Murray
  • 4 years ago

I love this so much it made my whole family smile.

  • Breanna by Breanna, Texas
  • 5 years ago

I was looking for a poem for my best friend because there are not enough words in the world that could describe my love for them, but this poem sums it up all the way. Great job!

  • Beverly by Beverly
  • 5 years ago

Yes, it did. It tells a lot about a true friend.

  • Naail Mustafa by Naail Mustafa
  • 7 years ago

Nice work. I used it as an inspiration on a poem I had to write on true friends in school Really helped me out. <3 Thanks!

  • Juwairyah Abbas by Juwairyah Abbas
  • 8 years ago

She got depressed and sat in the dark. When I read her the poem, she put a smile on her face and went back to herself.

  • Macy Jenny by Macy Jenny, Oakdale California
  • 9 years ago

My friend was going through some tough problems and said she wanted to jump off a cliff and die. I tried to comfort her then I found this poem and she loved it. She is still with us to this day.

  • Amber Jordan by Amber Jordan
  • 10 years ago

smile is cheer from you to me,
the cost is nothing its given for free.
They console the weary and gladden the sad.
And can make someone happy when they are mad.
Unlike blessings in which we pray
its the only thing you keep when you give it away.

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