Change Poem

After losing my marriage, my business, and my finances during Covid I grew to despise who I was. Through lots of writing I came to realize that my story wasn't coming to an end, merely just starting a new chapter. This chapter of my life will be my redemption story!

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Is Perception Reality?


Published by Family Friend Poems January 1, 2024 with permission of the Author.

There's an old man I pass
Almost every single day
We don't share many words cause
We really don't have anything nice to say

I look at him with disgust
He looks at me the same
Both of look at each other
With complete and utter shame

He is old and gray
Bags beneath his eyes
Wrinkles on his forehead
He tries to disguise

The neighbors tell me
He has a heart of gold
He's never done anything for me
Besides act ice cold

But today something happened
That hasn't in quite a while
He looked at me, I looked at him
We both shared a small smile

We both quickly looked away
Back to quiet enemies again
You may fool the rest of the neighborhood
I know who you really are and it isn't my friend

Who he is really is
Is getting clearer and clearer
Because he meets me every morning
While I stand at the mirror

He looks back at me
Still with total disgust and shame
I look back at him
With only myself to blame


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