Faith Poem

Poem On The Brevity Of Life

As I get older, I am losing a lot of family and friends, and each time someone close to me dies, I am reminded of how short life is and to take full advantage of the days I have remaining on earth to live. I wrote this poem as a reminder of the brevity of life, and to be sure we are living according to the purpose and plan God created each of us to do.

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Just A Vapor


Published by Family Friend Poems March 1, 2024 with permission of the Author.

Life is but a vapor
Life is but a mist
We are merely moving shadows
At best, we are a breath

Our days are like the flower
We blossom and we grow
But when fierce winds assail
We cease to be no more

Our days are like the grass
Sprouting from the sun's embrace
Yet when the rains retreat     
We quickly fade away

We must not take life for granted
Nor live it recklessly
For the time we have been given
Is steeped in brevity

We must honor our creator
In all we say and do
Seeking to do His will
In the life that we pursue

And never falter in our faith
When loved ones slip away
For in the perfect plan of God
They were never meant to stay

For life is just a vapor
Life is just a mist
We are merely moving shadows
At best, we are a breath

So live your life with purpose
Embrace the dawn of your today 
For like the fleeting vapor
Life quickly fades away.


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