I Miss You Poem

For my special someone whom is miles from me. Just want him to know how I missed him so much and how eager I am to see him.

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I live 3,805 miles away from the one I love. The pain of being so far hurts me on the inside and out. I'll never stop loving him, as much as I want to sometimes. My friends think I'm crazy...

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Miles Away From The One I Love

© more by Rinalene

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2008 with permission of the Author.

Miles away
I'm getting insane
Of the distance we have
How can we be together

Is there any way
For us to get closer
No calls nor letters
Just sadness and tears

When this all be end
This sorrow and pain
Time always keep us away
So hard to think this everyday

Wish I could dream of you
Every night when I'm asleep
For this is the only way
Only way for us to meet


more by Rinalene

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Amy by Amy
  • 8 years ago

I live 3,805 miles away from the one I love. The pain of being so far hurts me on the inside and out. I'll never stop loving him, as much as I want to sometimes. My friends think I'm crazy and need to get over him, but loving someone can be difficult. He makes me think one day we can reconnect. He tells me he will come find me one day and be with me, I just wonder every day if that will happen. Alex, I love you with all my heart. I'd take a bullet for you:(

  • Strung Along by Strung Along
  • 6 years ago

So sad. He's stringing you along. I'm feeling so sorry for you.

  • K by K
  • 9 years ago

I live 30,000 miles away from my mom. I don't remember my dad. I live with my aunt and uncle. I miss my mom. I spent most of my life without her. I do stuff that reminds me of her. We have so many memories. I am 11. I'm not me without her. She is the missing piece in my puzzle. It isn't complete without her.

  • Chanel by Chanel
  • 13 years ago

These poems are exactly how I feel because the one guy who I love is 90 miles away from me. I am so in love with him that all this love for him does not fit in me, but I don't regret ever meeting him, because with him I learned the true meaning of love. I just wish that someday somehow we can meet again and I wish that when we meet again is for real, not in one of my dreams. I love you dairon.

  • Shira by Shira
  • 14 years ago

This poem is exactly how I feel. I love someone who lives miles away and I don't know the next time I will see him. He says that he will find a way to come find me and be with me but this pain of wanting to have the days go by fast just to be a day closer to possibly being with him is not healthy, all my friends think I'm crazy too.. but I still have hope. This love is not something you come by just every day. its nice to know there's others out there who feel the same way!

  • Rianti by Rianti
  • 15 years ago

This Poem show how I feel right now, I love someone who lives miles away...people said there's impossible to me to be together with him...but I know deep in my heart, there's always a chances to me to be with him!!
Although in the end there just only dreams...but I never regret about it!!

  • mcky1224 by mcky1224
  • 15 years ago

This poem touched me somehow. I am miles away from my beloved as the writer experienced but deep in my heart, I believe that my situation can be improved. This great distance can be bridged but he refused to take the first step for better improvement...

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