Pet Friend Poem

The Friendship Between My Dog And Me

My little poodle Ella came into my life a few months ago, when an elderly neighbor told me she had cancer and needed someone to take care of her dog. I offered to help and took Ella in, thinking it was temporary. Two weeks later our neighbor died suddenly in the hospital, and ever since then, Ella is a part of our family. It's amazing really how much friendship and unconditional love dogs give to their humans. I simply can't imagine life without her anymore!

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My Doggie And I

Bettina Van Vaerenbergh © more by Bettina Van Vaerenbergh

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2022 with permission of the Author.

My doggie makes me happy,
I love her so much!
My little furry friend;
So soft to the touch.

She came into my life
(Coincidence or not)
When I was feeling low,
As a gift sent from God.

She's always good-humored,
Always ready to play.
Attentively she listens
To all I have to say.

I know her body language
Inside and out -
When she wants a cuddle,
Her brown eyes speak so loud.

Together we're having
All kinds of childish fun…
We go for endless walks;
We laugh and we run.

Late at night she loves
To curl up on my lap.
She watches TV with me,
Or takes a restful nap.

We understand each other,
My doggie and I.
Without words she comforts me,
Whenever I cry.

It's only been three months,
But it seems so much longer;
And the bond between us
Is still daily getting stronger.

I used to be a cat person,
But now I'm into her -
I couldn't miss her for the world,
My little ball of fur.

I believe every good gift
Is sent from God up above;
So thank You, dear God,
For the doggie that I love!



Bettina Van Vaerenbergh lives in Belgium, a small country in Europe. She and her husband are happily married. They have one grown daughter, and they share their home with an adorable poodle. Her passions are Jesus, cooking great food, long nature walks, Belgian chocolate, and reading and writing poetry. She’d love to touch other people with her...

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