Valentine's Day Poem to Him

This poem is for that special guy on Valentine's Day.

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Your story is so sweet. I don't know you, but I'm truly happy that you found someone who is so good to you. I can relate to abusive relationships. Unfortunately, my last few were abusive, and...

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My True Love


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2012 with permission of the Author.

We started off as friends, but soon after, I started to see
that you were the one that was and always be there for me.
We fight and argue often, but I still love you the same,
so much that even at one point I called someone else your name.
People say I'm crazy for staying with you, but in all honesty,
I know that the love we have is nothing but true.

With you, I continue to change for better and for worse,
just by simply realizing I had to let my guard down first.
You've taught me how to love and trust and be me.
The day we grow apart, I pray to God I never see.
Love is a battlefield, and I know this is true, so I am a soldier,
and I will fight and continue to fight for no one but you.

Even though you and I have shed so many tears,
I do not regret anything, and I know there will definitely be more throughout the years.
With us, the good has always outweighed the bad,
and your shoulder is the one I continue to cry on whenever I'm sad.
You have given me what people wait a lifetime for:
your heart, true love, wisdom, and so much more.

People say some love is rare and some love is kind.
Well, I know for a fact that our love cannot be defined.
You love hard and so do I, so hopefully we will never say goodbye.
Crazy drama we endure, but no matter what you continue to stay,
that's why I know you're the one for me, and I mean it when I say
I love you baby, and last but not least, Happy Valentine's Day.


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  • Rating 4.30
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Brittany Conway by Brittany Conway, SC
  • 11 years ago

I've been through a lot in my life, I've been on my own since 13 and was looking for love in all the wrong places. I've found myself to be in a abusive relationship from 15 to 18. I've given up on love and on life. Until this beautiful man held my had and guided me along...he stayed by my side even thru all the emotional baggage that I was carrying he never judged me or made me feel low. He's like a breath of fresh air, and because of him I can breath again. I am now 22 years old and were still strong and rock steady. Travis P. You're not only my lover, you're my best friend, my healer and motivator. You bring me so much reassurance and I reassure you that no one can ever take your place!!!! I love you baby and I appreciate you to the fullest!!!!

  • Jessica N by Jessica N
  • 6 years ago

Your story is so sweet. I don't know you, but I'm truly happy that you found someone who is so good to you. I can relate to abusive relationships. Unfortunately, my last few were abusive, and I don't know why I had stayed for so long with them. I hope you have many more years of happiness with your soulmate and best friend.

  • Phoenix  AZ by Phoenix AZ
  • 11 years ago

I am so in love with you Mr. Marshall you showed me what real love is. This terrible thing called cancer has entered our lives but like the strong man I fell in love with you have been by my side through all the chemo's radiations Dr's appts, sick days, bad days. We're so young to have to be going through this cancer stuff but you're still here . I love you and appreciate you so much.

  • Kevin by Kevin
  • 12 years ago

Look what my baby put on the web!! I swear Rockquel "Kell" Thomas is the best girl I have ever had and I'm lucky to be with her. No one has my heart the way she does and its 72810.. until because the only way I'm leaving this girl is if God calls me home. She is my rock my shoulder when I need it my good luck charm my life my everything and more. I love you soo much for this :) I swear without her there wouldn't be a me, she makes my life meaningful and I will love her above and beyond all means. I love her because she makes me better. I love you with my all kell. I swear you will never regret this love we have. I'm yours forever!!!

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