Inspirational Poem

The Ingredients For A Happy Life

With these ingredients, you can't go wrong for a happy life...

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Recipe For A Life Well-Lived

Bettina Van Vaerenbergh © more by Bettina Van Vaerenbergh

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2020 with permission of the Author.

Start off with faith and trust in God.
Then add courage; you'll need a lot.
Take a few dreams and lots of inspiration;
Mix them with passion and dedication.

Flavor with a spoonful of optimism,
As well as with sufficient vision.
Throw in some rewarding work,
With satisfaction as a perk.

A pint of perseverance is necessary,
While the amount of patience may vary.
Don't forget an ounce of thankfulness,
And a full cup of love and tenderness.

Add a few quality friends to the mix,
And a pinch of adventure, just for kicks.
Also, you need three cups of good thoughts,
Zested with a million smiles or thereabouts.

Joy and laughter are indispensable,
And a tad of hope, to be sensible.
Throw in heaps of understanding,
Because folks can be demanding.

Season with lots and lots of time,
And some deep questions to ponder.
Then pour over a sense of awe,
And lastly add some childlike wonder.

Top off with family and readiness to forgive;
This is the recipe for a life well-lived!



Bettina Van Vaerenbergh lives in Belgium, a small country in Europe. She and her husband are happily married. They have one grown daughter, and they share their home with an adorable poodle. Her passions are Jesus, cooking great food, long nature walks, Belgian chocolate, and reading and writing poetry. She’d love to touch other people with her...

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