Inspirational Poem

Inspiring Poem To Make The Most Of Our Lives

Life passes just once; we have to make the most out of it.

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Great poem with a feel good tone to it, good work.

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Enjoy Life!

© more by Mae

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2016 with permission of the Author.

Life's too short to be wasted.
It passes just once, so make the most out of it.
Live life the way you want it to be.
Live it to the fullest, feel free!

Live as the sun shines in the sky.
Live as high as the birds can fly.
Live as the colors of a rainbow.
Live as far as the clouds can go.

Never waste it with worthless doubts and fears,
With insecurities and useless tears.
Remember that what couldn't tear you makes you strong.
Put away frustrations, sing your own song!

Believe in what you can do.
The world is round; it's all up to you.
Think fast, act now!
Time is gold; it couldn't be renewed.

Value experiences, learn from mistakes.
Improve for the better, live for others.
Do what is right and what is best.
Always be yourself, unique from the rest.

Laugh as if there's no tomorrow.
Dance as though you'll never get through.
Love with all your heart and soul.
Sing like you're on the top of the world.

Forget the money, the root of all evil.
Treasure your loved ones; you're lucky they're still there.
Strengthen your faith, live with God.
The best things in life are for free, so why not?!


more by Mae

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Rox Tinted Glasses by Rox Tinted Glasses
  • 8 years ago

Great poem with a feel good tone to it, good work.

  • T.Sangana by T.Sangana
  • 8 years ago

What an amazing poem! Every line is factual and I can feel the life in love.Yes,literally there is no time to work on sorrows as destiny has already limited our due date. As our life is filled with suffocation its hard to survive the seconds. Who knows,Tomorrow may be our last day so its better to be happy and enjoy each and every part of our life without any frustrations. Working on future is acceptable if it is not going to affect the Today's part.
These four lines "Value experiences, learn from mistakes. Improve for the better, live for others. Do what is right and what is best. Always be yourself, unique from the rest." values the entire poem. There is no Mr.perfect in this revolving world. Mistakes are the steps to reach that perfect level. I have crossed the unbearable stage of getting criticized for committing mistakes and experienced those unkindest pain. But I have learnt the fact that no one is better than oneself. Get rid of the facts that bother you. Try to bring happy endings.

  • Annie T by Annie T
  • 8 years ago

I felt a pain reading this poem. I realized that we should think about future and live to the fullest !! I have been betrayed but now I wanna live as ifnthere is no tomorrow ...

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