Broken Friendship Poem

This was written for two of my best friends.

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I lived with my best friend, her husband, and their adorable daughter. I was there when she was pregnant and had the baby. I helped her with the baby, and everything seemed to be going well....

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Walk Away

© more by Mili Jain

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2010 with permission of the Author.

I watch you walk away from me,
And the tears start to fall.
I ask myself a million times,
How did we lose it all?
For the first time I had no words
That to you I could say.
I cling to old memories
And I watch you walk away.
I just don't want to let you go,
But inside I know I must.
My heart's whimpering with pain,
But it's my mind I trust.
There's confusion around me,
There's numbness in my heart,
But looking at you walk away
My world just fell apart.
If only I could handle it
And bear to just say,
I'd use my breath and say the words:
Don't Walk Away!


more by Mili Jain

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Noli by Noli
  • 2 years ago

Years ago, when I was too shy and scared to be social, I met my bestie. At first, it was all chatting. Sometimes we'd talk about our secrets and problems. Slowly, we became best friends. We had our zone and did everything together. When I fell in love with another girl, she became jealous but happy as a real friend. I was trying my best to leave my city and move in with my love and bff. After a while of trying so hard and leaving behind all my wishes just to be with my beloved and my bestie. Something terrible happened and wrecked everything in my personal life. I expected my love to be there for me as I was there every time she needed me, but she turned her back on me and broke my heart like a mirror. I chased her so maybe I could stop her, but I couldn't. She said rude things to me and then added, "You love me too much." I thought, yes, I love to you to the moon.

  • Kimeata Rakenang Tongaia by Kimeata Rakenang Tongaia
  • 4 years ago

I recently went through hardships because my friends denied and abandoned me. I felt like to me, they were using me, and that could change my entire mood from a happy mood to a depressed one. I really love my best friends, but it's useless, for I know that their love for me as a friend was unfair. This poem has touched my heart, which made me cry, for I know that it is hard when your friend walks away. But now, it's nothing, not even small conversations from each other, and I have learned that I should find new, good friends who would always be by my side just like I am. Thanks for a lovely poem.

  • Victoria by Victoria
  • 4 years ago

I was on the bus and waiting for my friend to come on. When she did, I said, "Hey Ady!" She didn't reply and I thought: Maybe in a bad mood? Then another girl named May was behind and came on too. Ady looked and me and then turned away as if I did something. I felt sad as I got off the bus. When I entered the house, I started to cry and felt like a knife cut our friendship apart! A week later, I had enough. I looked for Ady and saw her on the bus but without May. I didn't sit by Ady and I admitted "Ady, I feel like we aren't friends anymore. I know you can have more than one friend, but I feel forgotten. I don't think we can be friends anymore." Ady sat there and turned her head and looked out the window, and I looked at her reflection and saw tears on the window. I felt bad. To this day I have never felt the same, but we are friends again but don't really laugh around each other anymore and we haven't been the same.

  • Lily by Lily
  • 4 years ago

I had a housemate whom I was very close to. We were inseparable, like sisters. When her wedding was called off, I promised her I will be with her...healing through the pain and help her to revive. Effortlessly, it went easy when we faced it together. Few months back she decided to move away and live alone. She wants to live independently. I was hesitant but as a friend I supported her decision...little did I know that soon the distance would literally distant us. I always miss how things were. Now whenever we are hanging out together, it doesn't feel right anymore. I feel like I'm the only one in the friendship left. It left me in misery. How I wish nothing changed. I'm so frustrated, I'm so in pain... now all that's left are memories. I hope one day she will realize what she missed.

  • Sydney Craig by Sydney Craig
  • 4 years ago

I recently went through a very similar thing. My best friend of seven years began pushing me away. Then one day she just stopped speaking to me. My heart shattered into a million pieces. I dreamed about her every night. Over time, it became once a week. When she sees me she does not acknowledge me. I have tried to start a conversation, but she barely responds. When she stopped speaking to me I kept trying for about a month. Then one day I forced myself to give up. I stopped chasing her. If she wanted to come back, I would be here, but I had to stop chasing her. It literally ripped my heart into pieces. If I could go back, I would find some way to stop her. What keeps me up the most is the fact that I don't know why she walked away.

  • Josie Jones by Josie Jones
  • 3 years ago

Hi. I have just had the same happen to me, my friend just suddenly stopped all contact with me. But it couldn't have been at a worse time as I had just lost my Mum to coronavirus. I have tried SO many times to find out what I did, but she ignores everything. I have sent her flowers, tried calling, texting, but nothing. I have NO idea what could have happened in that final week as I only saw her a week earlier when I was with my Mum and she was fine with me. I have cried so many times, but now I realise I have wasted tears on her when I should have been crying for my beautiful Mum. I am struggling SO SO much to put my friend out of my mind, but it's hard when you have been friends for over 20 years & been as close as sisters.

  • Rachel B Ryan by Rachel B Ryan, la
  • 5 years ago

I love this poem. It really means a lot to me and I am reading this out loud for a poetry group and the reason I picked this poem is because when I was 5 years old I lived in South Carolina and I was walking with my closest friend (who was 6) and her older sister (who was 16). We were walking home and when we were turning the corner, she did not follow us. We looked back to see her lying dead on the ground. And I wanted to let all of the sad feelings out of my system. So I think that this poem will be great for me and my lost friend! Thank you so much for writing and posting this poem.

  • Lynlee Whitley by Lynlee Whitley
  • 2 years ago

I am not going to go into as much detail as you did, but I recently lost a friend. Khloe was my best friend. We went shopping together, ate dinner together, and it was not enough for her. I loved Khloe, but when I heard her talking about me behind my back, I was devastated. I did not want to let her go, but my heart was telling me it was the right thing to do.

  • Robin1212 by Robin1212
  • 5 years ago

My best friend and I were together till the end. Nobody could break us apart. I had a very bad time and still do with depression. I made a lot of very bad choices. I decided to start to smoke pot and cigarettes. It got so bad that I thought it would be fun to create a page on Instagram with inappropriate pictures of myself on it. She saw all of this happening, and I tried to stop and to be a better friend for her. I really really did try. I started to see a therapist and started to go to group therapy so I could get better. I even got put on pills. But it was never enough for her. One day she took me into a room at school and told me that she doesn't want to be friends with me anymore because all I am is trouble and she can't have that in her life. Even though I was trying hard to get better, for her she gave up on me. Every day I still hope that she'll come back, but she never does. I see her in the hall all the time, and I just think of all the old memories. It hurts.

  • Izzy by Izzy
  • 5 years ago

My friend Winter and I were BFF's. We played together every single recess. We had lots of ups and downs, but that never tore us apart, until two years ago we had a HUGE fight. We aren't friends anymore. :(

  • Jacqueline by Jacqueline
  • 6 years ago

I lived with my best friend, her husband, and their adorable daughter. I was there when she was pregnant and had the baby. I helped her with the baby, and everything seemed to be going well. Then she got lazy. I understood. She was a mother, and I still helped her. A year later I practically became the mother as she ignored her child and her husband and even me. She would play online games with a group of guys instead of spending time with us. We had to ask her to give us love. Her husband needed her love. When we asked her to leave her game and be with us she got cross like we were not her boss and we annoyed her. She chose her rapist brother over her own child and husband and threw me away. Now I’m full-time mommy. The 3 of us are healing our broken hearts. She seems happy posting photos on Facebook. I don’t mind. Let her be. I’m done trying. She obviously never cared for us. Yet my heart is still hurting. Why do this to your child? Why leave her? Because it was too much work?

  • Leena Qistina by Leena Qistina
  • 6 years ago

This poem makes me remember my ex BFF. I love her like I love myself, but one day there was a new girl. My BFF, Aina, likes her, and I thought that the girl could be my BFF too, but I was wrong. She took Aina from me. Now Aina and Eryin (the new girl) are together. Me? I’m alone. Every time I see them together, my tears fall. I try to talk to Aina, but she ignores me. It hurts. She doesn’t know how it feels. She makes me feel like I don’t exist. Nobody knows about this. I want Aina and Eryin to be happy even if I’m dying.

  • Yashika Bhandari by Yashika Bhandari
  • 6 years ago

The day I fought with my best friend we both felt the regret. She came to me and said sorry, but it was last time I saw her. I want to my village for holiday. When I came back I found out that she moved.

  • Nikala Kalolo by Nikala Kalolo
  • 8 years ago

This poem represents me and my friend. We were inseparable like we were stuck together with glue. Then she started hanging out with other girls and started to leave me behind. I tried to end our friendship but I just couldn't. The she started sending me these heart-breaking messages that I read during class. I started to cry. There was a pain in my chest at that moment. Memories of me and her flashed before me. I knew it was the end for me and her.

  • Torie by Torie
  • 6 years ago

I know how you feel. I've been in the same situation with my friend. It was sad.

  • Puppy-Lover927 by Puppy-Lover927
  • 10 years ago

Well this is happening to me where my best friend is hanging out with this other girl now and last year in school we were inseparable like peanut butter and jelly. We did everything together and now she won't even talk to me. I ask "is everything okay" and she says I'm fine. I think we are slipping apart. We would tell each other everything and now when I see her and say a casual "hi how are you" she just says eh, hi.

  • George Kimberley by George Kimberley, South-Africa
  • 11 years ago

This poem helped me with a problem I had with one of my close friend. We started the weekend of full of joy and smiles she was actually falling for me and I blew it my one and only chance but still this poem helped me to get back my friendship

  • Louisa by Louisa
  • 12 years ago

When I started at high school, I became quick best friends with a girl, and we had an incredibly close bond, we could talk to each other about everything, we were together all the time. She meant a lot to me. Suddenly, after almost two years, she said that it had become too much for her and changed school.. This is only six months ago and it was absolutely terrible for me. I cried every day after school, and sometimes I cry yet when I look at pictures and videos of the of us when we laugh and have a good time. We've been together a little bit after that, but it will never be the same, now we slipped apart. We went from being like sisters to become almost strangers: s I love this poem <3

  • Daira by Daira, Texas
  • 12 years ago

I thought I had found the perfect friend.. we were like sisters we shared everything she decided to end our friendship, This is my first summer with out her. It still hurts when I think about her, I have dreams were we are friends again but then I wake up and feel empty inside. She decided to end our friendship because of the cleavage on my shirt she said I was showing to much and told me I didn't know how to respect myself but I did. I asked everyone what they thought of me and what they said was nothing to what she said. When I look back I can't fight the tears. I miss her but I guess its for the best.

  • Amber by Amber
  • 12 years ago

Mili, I love the poem It reminds of a couple weeks back when I was walking with my friend and she turned to me and said "I don't want to be friends anymore" I stared her in the eyes and asked "You're joking?" She said no but when I asked her why she just looked at me and then walked away! I was heart-broken we had been friends for 6 years!!

  • Kase by Kase
  • 13 years ago

This poem reminds me of when I first started to go to an online school. At my old school I had all kinds of friend. And now that I go to an online school they won't even say hi to me in a store. This poem describes what I felt when my friends decided that they didn't want to be friends anymore.

  • Wendy by Wendy
  • 13 years ago

I agree with Mizzy it hurts a lot when you lose a friend. And it hurts more when you look back and see the laughs and good times you had with them, but then you come back to what really is and they aren't there anymore. I recently lost my best friend of 9 almost 10 years. But she didn't walk away, I did. I did it because I have to let her go. I don't want to because its hurting me so much but us being friends, or how I feel it is now me pretending to be friends just isn't working out anymore and I just have to let go.
Amazing Poem Mili :)

  • Kaz by Kaz, Clontarf
  • 13 years ago

I gave my life to a very special someone. Unfortunately, I am a person that wears my heart on my sleeve and people see that and take advantage of my trust. This time...I know it was unintentional, but I believe that when you give someone your keep it.

  • Melissa by Melissa, Nottinghamshire
  • 13 years ago

When I started my very first day at primary school, I became really close friend's to this girl. Throughout those years up until secondary school we were inseparable. Now it's nothing, not even a word!
This poem is lovely!.
Just like my side x

  • Mizzy by Mizzy
  • 14 years ago

Yes this poem has touched me because I also have had friendship problems in the past and know how it hurts. When you lose a special friend. The pain is in fact hard and sometimes unbearable especially when you look back at your good times and compare them to your bad ones.

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