Family Poetry Quotes - Page 7

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Enjoy Your Individual Beauty

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Enjoy your individual beauty
and uniqueness;
never wish
that it would change.

- Geneveive C. Coulson

Follow Your Dreams Quote

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Follow your dreams,
reach for the stars.
but never forget
where you came from.

- Audrea Harvey

Quote About The End Of A Marriage

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The last walk down memory lane
finds us crying and alone
with nothing left but memories
of our family and our home.

Melanie Edwards

One Plus One Equals Two

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It takes two halves
to make a whole.
My heart and yours,
we make one soul.

Debbie A. Burrous


Quote Questioning What Happened To Marriage

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I wish I knew what has become
Of the two of us.
We used to laugh,
Now all I want to do is cry.

Antoinette McDonald

I'd Endure It All

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A mother's love
is like nothing else.
It's beyond measure.

- Bobbi Highfill

Quote Thanking Mom For Everything She's Done

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Thank you for the gifts you give,
for everything you do,
but thank you, Mommy,
most of all for making dreams come true.

- Author Unknown

The Story Of My Dad

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If I could write a story,
It would be the greatest ever told.
I'd write about my daddy,
For he had a heart of gold.

Vicky Frye

You've Always Had Faith In Me

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You've helped me see
The woman I can become
You've always had faith in me
Even when I had none

Tiana Jensen

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