Aaron Stone


About Aaron Stone

What can I say about myself? Many paths I have travelled, with many more to pass. My poetry is an extension of myself - a thought, a feeling, an expression of interest, a pain, a smile. All I want out of this life is to make my family proud, and to let others know that they aren't alone in their dark times. Others have gone through it, and others are going through it now. I am living proof that if you hold on to even the smallest thread of hope, you can make it and though it may take a few years, and though it may feel like you're still going nowhere, one day you will wake up and find yourself somewhere with someone who is proud of you and loves you. Don't think people don't understand where you are in your life or what you've been through or are going through. Everyone has a story. Mine is reflected and hidden through my writings. Start writing your own. It's part of healing and growth. You will survive. You will make it. You will make someone proud. You will make yourself proud.

    Poems by Aaron Stone

  • I Love You Well

    • Published: May 2020

    in Sweet Love Poems

    I wish not to love you much,
    Only to love you well.
    Much is but a quantity,
    but well proves quality.


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    • Votes 77
    • Rating 3.90
  • Wisdom's Woods

    • Published: October 2017

    in Life Lesson Poems

    For every time I've failed,
    For every time I've screwed up,
    For every time I've said, "I'm Sorry,"
    And for every time I've not.


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    • Rating 4.42
    • Poem of the Day
    Featured Shared Story

    I love this poem! It speaks about how to get through the difficulties of facing failure. I really like it!

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  • Take A Step Back

    • Published: October 2017

    in Courage Poems

    Take a step back,
    Learn how to breathe.
    Take a step back
    And just be.


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    • Rating 4.23
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    This was a beautiful poem about taking control. I deeply enjoyed this, especially because at the moment, I am going under quite a large amount of stress. There is a huge exam that includes...

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  • What Happened To You?

    • Published: August 2018

    in Hurting Poems by Teens

    The refreshing rain falls.
    The cold night passes.
    The soothing music plays.
    What happened to you?


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    • Rating 4.58
  • By My Side

    • Published: August 2017

    in Sweet Love Poems

    Though the sun sets and finalizes another day,
    It leaves us with an array of color and hope,
    Hope that a new day will come,
    Hope that life with you will continue to be as beautiful


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    • Rating 4.35
    Featured Shared Story

    It is soooooo good to read and recite. The sun remains in me even at night.

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  • View All Poems by Aaron Stone


  • Aaron Stone, Queensland, Australia
  • 6 years ago

My condolences. What you say is true. Wise words. Thank you for sharing.

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