If I Forget To Tell You
If I forget to tell you, I had a wonderful time
For all the todays and tomorrows
And for the years we left behind.
If I forget to tell you, I love your calm
If I forget to tell you, I had a wonderful time
For all the todays and tomorrows
And for the years we left behind.
If I forget to tell you, I love your calm
I am so thankful to my husband for loving me unconditionally and sincerely.
I'm going where the rainbows glow
And the clouds will never cry.
The sun will sit upon the Earth
To warm the heavens with its shine.
If I didn't know where you came from,
If you had a different name,
Or perhaps you were a different color,
I would still love you the same.
in Valentine Poems to Husbands
He's not a scented flower
That fades from day to day,
Nor is he a dozen roses
In a beautiful glass bouquet.
in Mother Daughter Poems
When I was just a little tot, I followed after you.
I asked to help by saying, "Me do, me do, me do."
I suppose I was a nuisance, a problem in many ways,
in Mother Poems
She's a gift to her children
Our strong devotion each day
A hand in our hand
A breath of fresh air along the way
This is heart-warming and beautifully explained. Love you, Mom. You always help me with everything, and you guide me on the right path.
in Christmas Poems
C----Christ born upon this earth
H----Hallelujah, praise God for his birth
R----Rejoicing our Lord has come
I-----Immanuel, God's chosen one
in God Poems
Who is the one who loves us all
And never denys us when to him we call
Who never fails us through right or wrong
And picks us up when we might fall
in Prayer Poems
Father, I thank you for the days and nights,
And thank you for this warm morning light.
For food and shelter, for your loving care,
And for all in this world that is good and fair.