Wife Poem

Romantic Love Poem

I often found myself buying a bouquet of flowers for my beautiful wife on my way home from work, as she just loves fresh flowers. The more I stopped, the more meaningful each bouquet became. Once I explained to her how I felt about them through this poem, they took on an even deeper meaning between us. We feel so fortunate to have two wonderful children. She's an incredible mother and a great girl....

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A Simple Bouquet

© more by Chris

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2011 with permission of the Author.

I stopped at the store to buy you a bouquet
What I found is that it had a whole lot to say
The flowers each stood for a part of our life
And they were meant for you, my beautiful wife

The yellow one stands for a little girl we both know
She's pretty and sweet and always ready to go
She sings little girl songs and has beautiful dark hair
God gave us an angel for our hearts to share

The white rose represents the little boy in our home
There are days that I know he won't leave you alone
He's happy and smart and full of such joy
We're lucky to be blessed with such a sweet boy

The red one's a sign of the love that WE share
Over time we have proven just how much we care
We love in the ways that makes others just wish
And hope for each other with a smile and a kiss

That ribbon that holds the bouquet in a bunch
I didn't get it at first, yet it means so much
It stands for your love in our home every day
As the center of our family in every way

This bouquet in the store, I'll just have to get
The best part of this is it isn't done yet
There are more flowers to add, more times to have fun
More nights full of laughter, and more days full of sun

So the next time I bring flowers, I hope that you know
Your love means much more to me than I could ever show


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