Best Friend Poem

Rhyming Poem For A Best Friend

We surround ourselves with the best kinds of people.

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You will always be my friend in the heart even when our parents set us apart. Love you!

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Best Kinds

© more by Alex

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2013 with permission of the Author.

The best kinds of people are warm and kind.
They are always there and they never mind.
The best kinds of people smile and embrace.
They support you with strength and grace.

The best kinds of people love and cherish.
They lift you up when you're near to perish.
The best kinds of people share your joy,
To laugh with you, to joke and enjoy.

The best kinds of people stand up tall,
No matter how hard they fall.
The best kinds of people are honest and true.
The best kind of person, my dear, is you.


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  • Stories 2
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  • Rating 4.25
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Savannah by Savannah
  • 6 years ago

You will always be my friend in the heart even when our parents set us apart. Love you!

  • Natasha by Natasha
  • 8 years ago

I was truly touched by this poem because it makes me realize now that the best kind of person is your best friend and that's the best person you'll find.

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