Hurting Poem

Heal From Broken Heart

It takes time to heal.

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Telling Myself


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2008 with permission of the Author.

As I lie here, staring out the window
our memories flowing through my mind,
holding back as a tear hits the pillow,
scared of thoughts I might find.
Telling myself I'll be stronger tomorrow
if you would just come back until then,
but instead it's constant sorrow.
Now I have nothing, for he was my sin.
As time should heal all things,
it feels as if it's going so slow,
crying, careless what life brings,
but I do not dare to let it show,
for he was my love,
now that is gone.
Telling myself I'll be happier another day.
Until then,
wondering what went wrong,
thinking why didn't he stay.
I'd rather just cry now and not hurt later
and ask myself why this happened to me.
Telling myself it'll soon get better,
I really hope,
I believe.


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