Just Friends Poem

I Love My Best Guy Friend

I love this guy, but he doesn't know about my feelings. He is one of my best guy friends.

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When I met my guy best friend there was something about him. The way he talked to me. The way he smiled. The way he walked. I fell in love with him. On Homecoming, we went to the dance...

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If I Could Tell You


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2009 with permission of the Author.

When I see you in the morning,
it brightens up my day.
There are so many thoughts on my mind,
so many words I want to say.

I want to tell you how I feel,
but the words I cannot find.
They're all mixed up with my thoughts
that are running through my mind.

I've been keeping it locked up
because I know there's not a chance.
You never look my way.
You don't even take a glance.

You don't even know you're doing this,
toying with my heart.
I wish I could just tell you,
but I don't know where to start.

Should I tell you how much you mean to me
or how badly I want to be with you?
If I were to say these things
how would you react, what would you do?

Would you never talk to me again?
Would you never look my way?
That would just bring me back
to where I am today.

Then I'd start all over
and choose a different route
to make you understand
my feelings that want out.

I don't know what to do
or even how to say.
Maybe I should lock it up
and keep myself away.

My heart would ache even more,
but maybe for the good.
I just really want to tell you
only if I could.


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  • Poem of the Day
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Elmo by Elmo
  • 3 years ago

Hey, I don't really know what to tell all you girls who love their best guy friend, but I know that I was in the same situation a couple months ago and I never told him... Now we're just friends and our relationship is much better now than it would've been if I'd told him. Please just wait and take some time... I know you might think that the guy you like now is the only one you'll ever love, but that's really not how it goes and I'm sure that with some time you'll be okay. I would've destroyed the relationship I have with this guy if I had told him I liked him and I don't even like him anymore anyway. I don't know... It could be different for me but if you just wait a little while things might get better. I would suggest not telling the guy, but I guess you don't have to take my word for it. Good luck!!

  • Jane Doe by Jane Doe
  • 4 years ago

I was (and pretty sure I still am) in love with my best friend. He found out but didn't return the feelings. A while after I found it a bit less awkward to talk to him, but he is not only my guy best friend, he is my best, best friend, so we kept in good contact despite going to different schools. Now we Facetime every day and he acts more like my boyfriend than an actual boyfriend would. I hope others can find this comfortable, happy place in their friendship turned crush.

  • Victoria by Victoria
  • 4 years ago

So I have known my best guy friend for a little over 4 years and we have hooked up, but we both agreed that it would never go anywhere. We claim each other as brother and sister, but I think I'm in love with him, but I'm scared to tell him.

  • Moroselisa Toese by Moroselisa Toese
  • 4 years ago

I'm the same way with this inspiring amazing poem. I have a guy best friend, and we've been talking 6 months and he already knows I have feelings for him. He told me to start as friends and slowly go step by step because he wants to find himself before we start a serious relationship. I love him so much. I support his decision. I will wait until the day he wants to start a relationship. Hoping and praying.

  • Clizelle Sangalang by Clizelle Sangalang
  • 5 years ago

I confessed to my best guy friend by giving him a letter. Sadly, he rejected me. So I just told him that it was a prank because I don't want to end our friendship because of that letter. He didn't talk to me anymore. He even started avoiding me. After a week, we started talking again, but every time my other friends tease us when we are doing something together he start avoiding me again.

  • Alexa Isabel by Alexa Isabel
  • 5 years ago

We became close friends again after losing communication, and we have this ongoing joke about how he's my boyfriend and vice versa. We started talking more. We started to confide in each other, and he immediately became the person I'd run to whenever I'm down. That's when I realized I liked him. He listened and tried to comfort me to the best of his abilities. Now most of my friends are pushing me to tell him how I feel, but I'm scared that he may not feel the same way, even if a lot of them believe he does because of how he acts around me, but I always brush those thoughts off because I think he acts that way because of our ongoing joke. I've wanted to tell him for the longest time, but I'm scared I might lose him, especially when I'm used to having him around for me to confide.

  • Nicola Nelson by Nicola Nelson
  • 6 years ago

I'm 15 year old. I have this guy best friend I really like a lot. This poem explains everything I wanted to tell him. He's sweet, kind, and really cute. One of these days he told me he liked me more than just friends and he wanted us to be more than friends. I don't know why I said no, because now I'm dying over him. We hug and kiss all the time, but it's just to show our friendship. I love him too much as a best friend.

  • TheUnknownGirl by TheUnknownGirl, Pleasanton, KS
  • 6 years ago

When I met my guy best friend there was something about him. The way he talked to me. The way he smiled. The way he walked. I fell in love with him. On Homecoming, we went to the dance together, just so we could save an extra $3. I told him that night I liked him. He liked me too, or so he thought. Then on Halloween we kissed. It was amazing. Months passed, and the feelings diminished. I thought I was over him. I wasn't. I still have some feelings for him. After prom night, I felt some lingering feelings. I went with him because my best friend and I stopped being friends over a guy, her boyfriend. I fell asleep on his shoulder on the couch at prom. Then we hung out with some friends later that night. He was so sweet. He started crying about his ex, and I hugged him a few times. We prayed together. It was all right. But I realized I still had feelings for him. I don't think he'll ever feel that way for me.

  • MA73RS by MA73RS
  • 7 years ago

I love this guy. We've been best friends for ages, but he doesn't like me back, so it's really weird when we are near each other, even though we used to hang out all the time. This poem gives me hope that one day we might be more than best friends.

  • Annie Fern Samar by Annie Fern Samar
  • 8 years ago

I am 14, and I love my friend, but I am scared to tell him that I like him...because I know that he cannot love me back. I am inspired by this poem and hope you make more.

  • Britin by Britin
  • 8 years ago

Love this poem! I can totally relate. There's this guy; we are family friends. I'm 20 and he's 22. At first he sent a message to my friend that he liked me, but I never replied. I wanted to hear it from him, and at that time I was in a relationship and I was madly, deeply in love with my boyfriend. I never liked this guy at first, but then we became friends.

A year went by; slowly I started liking him secretly, and I'd get jealous when I saw him with his girlfriend. I reached a point where I wanted to confess my feelings to him, but I couldn't find courage to tell him, so I kept my feelings to myself. Now I regret why I never told him the first time.

Then I left to go abroad, and now it's even worse. I can't stop thinking or dreaming about him. I want to tell him, but I'm afraid I might lose him or even our friendship might end...And I keep questioning myself. Does he still love me?? Or does he like me as a friend??

  • Mia Jordan by Mia Jordan, Trinidad & Tobago
  • 9 years ago

Last December,I met a guy named Antonio on the app,"WhatsApp". We started talking that night and he continuously complimented me that night. As the months went by we talked everyday and I slowly developed a crush on him. He started asking me to meet in person and I am so afraid to meet him because I'm afraid he'll think I'm ugly or too tall or something like that....We have shared pictures with each other but people look different in person than they do in pictures. Whenever he asks to meet up I either come up with an excuse or I just don't answer him. I will hopefully get the courage to actually meet him so I can actually hug him and things like that. We both confessed to each other about liking the other but he is always talking about or to some girl while we're on the phone and it confuses me so much....I'll just have to wait and see what the future holds because I mean I am 13 and he is 14 and I want to wait until I'm 16 to be in a real relationship.

  • Katie by Katie, Stoke-On-Trent
  • 10 years ago

Well everyone's on about having a crush on their guy best friends but this is my story. I moved high schools and I met this boy and we always use to chat on Facebook but we never actually spoke in person until a couple of months later. We both saw each other and we just spoke for about 2 minutes but that 2 minutes got us closer than ever before. After school, we messaged each other on Facebook and we use to chat 24/7 and one day, he asked if I could meet up with him at the park so I did and there's just something about him what makes me love him more every second. Thomas is like my big brother who I look up to and I can't imagine us going out but every time we go the park, we hug, kiss each other on the cheeks, hold hands just cuddle and laugh and have a good time. He calls me princess at the park and tells me how much he loves me but what I'm trying to say is that maybe you don't have a crush on your guy best friend. Maybe you just fell in love with the things he does and says but you could get as close as me and Tom if you just tell your boy best friend that you don't love him in that way.
We're only 13 so we have many, many years to spend with each other, we're even thinking about living with each other when we're older haha but yeah, we've had many arguments but to be honest, we think that arguments bring us closer that's why we forgive and forget. Happy ending :)

  • Jaylenne Kong by Jaylenne Kong, California
  • 10 years ago

My former best guy friend is now my boyfriend. THE STORY
At the end of the 8th grade, there was a huge karaoke party for everyone who would graduate. My guy friend who I liked and I decided to do a duet, "Lucky" By Jason Mraz. At the end, everyone was chanting to Ian "Ask her out, ask her out, ask her out!" (Asian community, asking someone out is a HUGE thing.) So he did, and we like each other. Fairy tale ending

  • Bianka by Bianka, Ca
  • 10 years ago

Same is happening to me. So I have this best guy friend we've been friends since elementary and now me and him are in high school. Me and my guy friend got off contact we went to middle school, but now when we went to high school we started talking to each other. Now I have a huge crush on him. He already knows I do like him. But the only he said that's cool. Then over summer we started talking more and more then he started inviting me to his basketball games, so I went to all his games over summer. Then while we were talking on the phone he told I'm like his best friends with benefits. I thought I was more to him because we always say we love each other. Then on August 6, 2014 I went his game and we got to hang after his game and then we kissed. Then he said he liked it a lot. Now summer over and we still never became more. My friends always say me and him should be together, but I don't think he does because he's always flirting with girls at school. Also he's always with girls all the time. So I hope one day he would realize how much I want to be with him and he wants to be with me.

  • Apy by Apy, Delhi
  • 10 years ago

These poems are so nice, I have tears in my eyes, I love a guy who is just a Friend and he knows about my feelings but he says that we are not compatible :-( it is so hard to let him go or to see him with any other girl. I do not know what is going inside me but it hurt my heart a lot, it is so much pain and life is full of tears :-( but I'm a positive girl and I will smile always!

  • Avery by Avery, Spokane
  • 10 years ago

This is the exact way I feel! My best guy friend is an amazing guy but I can never read him so if I told him how I felt he might freak out. I wrote something akin to this poem last week. It felt like I was reading my own words!

  • James by James, South Africa
  • 10 years ago

Well... Never thought women ever felt like this too, but here's my cliché story.
Two years ago in college I met a girl, we quickly became very very close friends. So much so that we quickly developed a code way of talking that only her and I know. Later during the year I fell for her, hard!!! Till this day there's not a minute that passes without me thinking about her or wanting to message her. She knows I would drop everything of mine just to make her happy, she once lost her phone and I couldn't sleep going though town like a madman for two days looking for her phone, lol I was ready to search for it as long as I lived because it meant so much to her, I eventually found it though after only two days. I told her how I feel about her, She didn't say anything acted like nothing happened, our friendship continued, then late last year lol I taught myself how to compose music, how to record music just so I could record her a song telling her that I love her... Again she didn't say anything, and ignored me for a while then we were friends again. So I decided to move on and to console myself I tell myself everyday that I am not attractive enough to be with her. It's bad I know but at least it's an answer other than silence.

  • Ann by Ann, Jackson MS
  • 11 years ago

I'm in the same situation when we First became friends we liked each other and everything. We even talked about dating. But we both decided that we didn't want to lose each other as friends. It happened anyways when he got this crazy girlfriend that got jealous over me because me and him had a past so she made him stop talking to me. We got back in touch last year around my birthday. Everyone keeps telling me that we have feelings for each other. I like him, but I'm not in love with him. I swear sometimes the way he looks at me though it's something more. All my friends say he likes me. My dad and sister tell him that me and him are going to get married. So idk if he has feelings for me and we just both think we're stuck in the friend zone. We have everything a relationship has but without the fighting, drama, and sex. We sleep in the same bed. Cuddle and watch movies. Talk all day every day. Talk on the phone for hours.

  • Tammie by Tammie, Toronto
  • 11 years ago

I am going through the same phase with my guy best friend. He doesn't know what he is doing to me. Oh my gosh sometimes I just wanna tell him but I may act like a total idiot. We've been friends for so long and we are so close but to me we seem so far. He has a girlfriend, which breaks my heart. I really love this poem. It speaks to me. Maybe I should just keep my distance from him till he notices. Should I?

  • Kingston Jamaica by Kingston Jamaica
  • 11 years ago

Well I'm 18 years old I met my best friend at a party I was drinking too much because I'd just bolted down by this girl who claims to be my friend. She brought me to the party and we had a fight with a couple more of her friends and she was my only ride home... she left me without asking if I had a ride home. I cried that night at the party knowing my mother had warned me not to go and everyone was dancing and having fun and I was as stupid as I always am to not listen. Anyway I sat on a bench next to this tall dark handsome dude I was so drunk I didn't know what I was saying from what I'm not suppose to say he started talking to me minutes after minutes and hours after hours without getting all irritated and tired of my chatting which most guys who say. I realized he was a great friend to me and I love him, we were born on the same month but different day, we like the same stuff, we ate the same food. The only thing divided us was our complexion and my mixed background but I would love to tell him this poem.

  • Lauren by Lauren, Kannapolis
  • 11 years ago

I can relate to this poem because I really like this guy at my school but I really don't know how to tell him how much I really like him and he is such a good friend to me and he's very over protective of me and were best friends.

  • Pantalones by Pantalones
  • 11 years ago

I have the same feelings! I am in love with my best friend! I have told him just two weeks ago because I read all your stories and I didn't want to be worried as some of you guys were and some of you did it and it turned out great so I was inspired and I did tell him and well he shows interest but has yet to ask me out!!!!! wish me luck I hope he ask me out.

  • Elaine by Elaine
  • 11 years ago

I once loved a man the same way. I got him to come around my way and it spoiled the best friendship I ever had. I miss him, the friendship sank and it has been my worst regret.

  • Brittany by Brittany
  • 12 years ago

I'm 15 and I'm in love with my best guy friend. He knows I like him but he doesn't know I love him and he has a girl friend and we don't like each other and she told him she didn't want him to be my friend and he told her she is my friend and only my friend. When he said that I fell apart. it hurt so bad I wanted to die. I just want him to know but I can't tell him it might hurt our friendship and I can't live without him.

  • Alexis by Alexis, San Antonio
  • 12 years ago

I'm 13 years old and I have a crush on my bestfriend he's always been there for me when I need him. He's so sweet and nice and he doesn't know that I have a huge crush on him. Everyday when I see him I brush but on the inside I'm like omgosh he's so cute I want him mine already. But I don't know how to tell him how I feel about him so when I read this poem it told me that I shouldn't be afraid to tell him how I feel at long as I let it out. So tomorrow when I see him I'm going to tell him how I feel and I wanna know if he feels the same about me well wish me luck that he does:)

  • Moon by Moon, Texas
  • 12 years ago

I'm 15 and crushing on a guy friend of mine. Idk if we ever have a chance but I wish we could. I would totally say yes if he asked me I wouldn't even hesitate. He's the one who really makes me happy and I can always act like myself in front of him. He is the best I've ever met. I would do anything for us to be together but are we meant to be together or to be just friends.

  • Sascha by Sascha, Texas
  • 12 years ago

Ok I'm 16, and I have the best guy friend ever. If he asked me to go out with him I would say yes, immediately. I really like him, but he doesn't know that. He calls me his best friend. That's it. When I read that poem it remained me of him. And I want to tell him, but I don't want to mess up a great friendship.

  • Zac by Zac, Tx
  • 12 years ago

I'm 15, and my best friend and I had been close for over a year, then I realized just how amazing she was - I really did love her in the strongest, most beautiful way a person can love another. I told her my feelings, and almost dated, but she told me that right now, her Christian walk should be her top priority, and I respect that, but I still don't know how to not have the same kind of feelings for this girl, because I still do. This excellent poem just reminds me, maybe I could've been more cautious and taken things more slowly. I really hope her and I can still be great friends, but I am really unsure.

  • Iloveyouandyoudontknow by Iloveyouandyoudontknow
  • 12 years ago

I love this poem. It explains exactly how I'm feeling at the moment, and for once I feel as though I have the opportunity to share. I have known my best friend for 4 years, and I think the only thing I haven't told him in that time is that I'm completely in love with him. He was the first friend I made at high school, and he has been there with me through everything. No matter the problem he is always the first person I turn to. For the past 13 months I have loved him, I've tried to tell him when I know he doesn't like another girl, but I can't. At the moment he really likes someone, and she's very nice. I know that the source of my happiness is him. The other day, we performed in a play where he had to kiss me and this was the happiest moment in my life so far. I felt so much, and I don't know if he felt a thing. If he and this girl become a couple I don't what I'll do, I just love him so much, but I don't want to step on anyone's toes. Please help me?!?!

  • Nathalie by Nathalie, CT
  • 12 years ago

I felt the same way about my best friend his name is Kyle we have known each other for 5 years now. I first met him in 6th grade and I knew I had to have him and he is just so caring and loving and I absolutely hate it when I see him with his girlfriends and he knows how I feel about him. I tell him I love him all the time, he always says I love you too Nat and I know he doesn't mean it the way that I do but he says he wants to kiss me one minute then he says I don't like you like that only as a friend. So yeah he gives me a lot of mixed feelings and he always has a girlfriend ALWAYS when he breaks up with one of his girlfriend he takes him about 3 days or less to find someone new its annoying but hey I guess I'm just meant to be his bestie not girly :)

  • Tarra by Tarra, Tennessee
  • 12 years ago

I have known this guy my whole life basically been friends for years and he is for sure my best friend. I can talk to him about anything (except how I feel about him) cry on his shoulder and he would do anything for me. He is all around the perfect guy. We would tell each other everything. I never thought I'd fall for him we always just had that flirty friendship. I started growing feelings for him and we became friends with benefits. around the same time he started sleeping with another one of our friends (who is knocked up by a different guy) who fell for him as well. Not knowing anything about me and him she told him she loved him. He told me that he was just with her for sex and he didn't feel that way about her. I don't know if I'm the same to him or if it's more, but I know I can never let him know any of my feelings. He would run and hide just like he did with her, and I need my friend. and I don't wanna lose him.

  • India by India, Arizona
  • 12 years ago

I'm 17, and I've been in love with my best friend for 5 years. He just graduated high school, and is off to the Marines. His MOS is Combat support. I've told him I'm in love with him, but he keeps saying, he only sees me as a friend who cares for him. This always makes me cry because I've waited to tell him for a very long time. And now he's off to the marines, and I'm scared he won't come back. Like does all this waiting for him, is it worth what I might go through if I lose him..?

  • Sarah by Sarah, Washington
  • 12 years ago

I like this guy. He kissed me and everything but he hasn't asked me out. This related to me I wanted to tell him how I feel and I did but he just said he didn't like me and he is the one who kissed me :/ I don't know what to do and I really want to date him.

  • Meru by Meru
  • 12 years ago

I love this poem. It speaks to me. I'm 15 and a half, and I've known my best guy friend since near the end of 4th grade for me. He's a couple years older than me, but maturity wise...Hehe. At times I feel like I'm hanging out with like a 12 year old, but I love that about him. He's silly, sweet, a big goofball. With a lot of sadness in his life though. I have a boyfriend, but I can't help feeling the way I do for my friend. If it wasn't for my friend I wouldn't know my bf, but...It's through the worst relationship ever that I really became friends with him. However, he doesn't feel the same. He's there for me. But as a friend. Its so annoying! Once well we were joking around he told me he could never date me cause I was too much like his ex. And when he talks about his new flame...I have a bf but I can't help this. I feel like I should at least tell him. Everyone is like no, stick with your bf. But. What if? I at least want him to know. Maybe I'll tell him just so he knows. Thank you for the poem

  • Savvy by Savvy, Perth
  • 12 years ago

I am 16 and my best friend is 15. I am totally in love with him and I tell him all the time but he thinks I mean friend love cos he always says "I love you too hunny." I've only known him for 3 yrs 3 months and 24 days but I can tell you that I don't regret meeting him at all. He has been there for me through thick and thin. He's seen the idiots I've dated and he's always been there to pick up the pieces when they end. I tell him absolutely EVERYTHING. He is my shoulder to cry on. He has recently been telling me about how he's in love with one of his friends who he has so much in common with and how she is his bestfriend. I asked him if she went to our school and he said no. I asked how old she is and he said 14. I decided that I should give up so I did and walked to the toilets and cried. I was hoping so much it was me. I trust him with my life and I know he will always protect me. He's sort of like my own lil bodyguard at school. I am in love with my Bestfriend xoxo

  • Ms by Ms, Us
  • 12 years ago

My best friend is so funny, we've been friends for a few years and our friendship has gotten a lot stronger. I have some big problems in my life but he's one of the few people that I trust enough to talk to. I don't talk to him very much about my ''problems'' but he knows about them and cares. I don't know why I love him and I really don't want to, but sometimes I feel as if I'm falling in love with him. I don't know what to do, I don't want to lose his friendship!! I'm so confused right now!! Gabe, if your reading this I really care about ! <3

  • Destiny by Destiny
  • 12 years ago

I love this because I have like a guy for all most a year now and he is my best friend and I tell him every thing but that I love him. I don't know what to do but if I tell him it might mess everything up. Between me and him and I don't think I'm ready for that to happen.

  • Jen by Jen, Vancouver
  • 13 years ago

I am in love with my best friend (male), and we just found he's dying. He only has probably 2 years to live (he's only 38!). I realized I was in love with him about 6 months ago, but I know he doesn't feel the same way. We have so much fun together, and I have no idea what I am going to do without him. There's no way I can tell him how I feel now, though. It hurts so much, it's awful!

  • Beth by Beth, West Milford
  • 13 years ago

I'm 14 years old and in love with my best guy friend. We have been friends for about a year now. Since I was the new girl in school I was always quiet. Until I met my 7 best friends and then Kyle. It's awesome that my friends and I are popular which makes its easier to talk to a guy without him laughing in my face. But since Kyle came into my life I opened up. But the problem is that he is a player. He has gone out with so many girls I have started to lose count. But since I have recently become a model he is always telling me that I'm so hot and pretty. But we aren't going out or anything. I just want him to now how I really feel.

  • Great Britain by Great Britain
  • 13 years ago

This poem is pretty much like a rainbow of my emotions, capped into a little bottle.
My best male friend is absolutely hilarious, we've been friends for about 2 years and everyday our friendship seems to strengthen.
I have some pretty huge issues in my life but he's one of the only two people in the world that I trust enough to talk to. I don't talk to him very much about my 'problems' but he knows and cares.
I don't want to love him, I really don't but sometimes I feel as if I'm falling for him. Like just today he said "Don't take this the wrong way but I love you so much Anna"
My heart did a little flutter even though I know he lives me as a friend and I should only love him as a friend.
Sorry, I have poured out way too much...
Any help will be very much appreciated...

  • Elaiza by Elaiza
  • 13 years ago

I'm in love with my bestfriend ex boyfriend and they only broke up three days ago I feel so confused like omg I think I might write him a poem to show him how I feel

  • Ks by Ks, Scotland
  • 13 years ago

I totally get this. My best friend of 26 years has just met the love of his life. He always wants me in his life and I want him in my life, but I have left it too long and can't compete with her - I have tried but I was never enough, 2nd best - maybe one day xx

  • Virigina by Virigina
  • 13 years ago

I love this poem. When I read it, it brought to my mind my best friend. I am 16 years old and he is about to turn 17 in 9 days. We met in 9th grade and from that day, he has liked me. I liked him as a friend for a while then when we started to talk more, I noticed that I liked him more than that. He has a girlfriend and I want him to be happy. He is happy with her. I wish I had not taken me so long to realize my love for him. In the time that I thought about him, I lost him. He says that he likes me and I want to tell him how I feel. I would much rather have him as a friend then lose him altogether.

  • Nick by Nick, CA
  • 13 years ago

This is a guys point of view I'm in the same position but the other way around it's funny cause if this is true that a girl thinks the way these comments are then both genders are thinking the same way why hesitate. I like this poem and the comments even more its really a cliché if you think about it :D

  • Bailee by Bailee
  • 13 years ago

I also love my best friend. I love my best guy friend so much. I think about him all the time. I have known him for 3 years and he is also my locker buddy. He talks to me all day. He talks to me all the time and he stops me in the hall to talk to me. I love him so much but he likes some other girl. He is a player but I know him. The only reason he is a player is because he likes to be alone. Just like me. I love him so much. I am so sad!!!:(:(:(

  • Callie by Callie, Australia
  • 13 years ago

wow! this poem explains exactly how I feel right this second, I'm so confused because the guy I like has a girlfriend but I'm closer with him that he is with his girlfriend... he's my bestest guy friend and I love him to pieces but I don't want to ruin the friendship we have and the relationship he's in.

  • Rykki by Rykki, Oshawa Canada
  • 13 years ago

I have known my best friend since I was born, he's 7 months older than me, but we have been friends all 18 years of our lives. We dated when we were younger, but we were young it didn't work. But I don't know, over the past few years, I realized that I love him more than I ever have before. He's like my go to person, I tell him everything. He recently went off to college in a different state, and when he comes to visit I tell him how much I miss him, he asked me a few days ago "if I asked you out on a date, what would you say" I wanted so badly to tell him, I love you more than you think I already do. I miss him and love him with everything I have.

  • Gervonnie Ossining by Gervonnie Ossining, NY
  • 13 years ago

I'm in love with someone and he's my best guy friend we're alike in so many ways. I want to tell him how I feel but I'm afraid if I do I might hurt him, or ruin our friendship.

  • Annynomous by Annynomous, Somewhere In Okalahoma
  • 13 years ago

I am 18 and I have been friends with my boy bestie for almost a year. He is my closest friend I tell him everything, except that I am in love with him. I would tell him but I'm scared to lose our friendship, also he is dating another one of my bestfriend, who cheats on him and he says he loves her and I have told him and he loves her enough to let it pass, that was a few months ago, lately he has been acting different. Everyone thinks were dating or thinks we should date! They are always trying to get us together. Anyways he has been acting different the other night he came over and we were cuddling on my hammock and talking like always and he kisses me more than once, the next day I went to his house to have our movie night and after he was taking me home he kissed me again, and he is still with his gf and I can't keep a bf because I always compare them to him I love him and I think he loves me as well he is just scared to let go of his girlfriend who treats him like crap. What do I do???

  • Ivy by Ivy, Florida
  • 13 years ago

All of the girls out there that are questioning whether they should tell their guy best friend that they do love them or not please do yourself a favor and tell him. I've know my guy best friend for almost 11 years!!! I told my guy best friend that I love him... One of the hardest things I ever did, he ended up loving me back, we are dating now and it's going great and I am as happy as I can be!! I know it's hard but in the end it can go your way!! The worst thing that can happen is he will not like you back but it wasn't meant to be then.

  • Kelly by Kelly, Washington
  • 13 years ago

I have known a current boy for the past three years of my life (summer before sophomore year) At first we never really talked, but then sophomore and junior year we would randomly see each other in the hallways. Anytime I was having a bad day at school I would go into the hallway and Everytime I did that, this boy would be out there at the same time. It's like he knew. Long story short, with that, and talking more, our friendship grew a lot stronger. I can honestly say that I love this kid more than any other guy. We have never been together, but he is everything I want in a guy. He knows exactly how I feel about him. He has the same feelings for me too. Well at least at one point he did. But for some odd reason we haven't been together..yet. His girlfriends sometimes comes to me for advice about him, as much as it hurts and kills me inside, I help them as much as I can. I would love to be with him, but I would NEVER stand between him and his girlfriend.

  • Ciera by Ciera
  • 13 years ago

In the past couple weeks I have managed to fall in love with my best friend. I'm 16 and he is 18. We tell each other EVERYTHING and just a few days ago, I finally told him how I feel about him. He said that he loves me too but only as his best friend. But I'm really not buying it, because on the days when he doesn't have soccer practice or a game, I ride the bus with him and this past Friday, he played in my hair during math class and while we were on the bus, he let me lay on his shoulder, and we just about held hands. Talk about the most amazing day ever with him :) The only problem on my part is that I'm currently with someone but I live in Tennessee and he lives in Ohio and I love him and everything but my feelings for my friend are getting so much stronger so fast and I just don't know what to do... Time is the key I guess.

  • Kenia by Kenia, U.S.A
  • 13 years ago

I really love the poem.
I have a best friend over 8 years already, he's 20 and I be 20 in July, I care about him a lot, I love him, but I didn't mean to fall in love.
I know he feels something for me too, we have went out, he has stayed at my house, we have done a lot together, but he has a girlfriend, he's the best guy I ever meet, I really don't know what to do if I tell him I know we can be together but, I really don't want to loose his friendship, And it's still going to be worse because he gets to go to Army on October and maybe he's going to come back in 2 years but just for a month and leave again... What should I do?????... please HELP ME :'(

  • Iesha by Iesha, U.S.A.
  • 13 years ago

well this poem is really good for me in a way. My best friends name is Jeremy. we are both 18 and we will be graduating together in may. We probably won't see each other after that. but he knows I love him and I care about him. but he just doesn't know that he is my dream guy. (despite his flaw-which is his temper-) but he has a gf and I have a boyfriend. I love my boyfriend but I always find myself taking care of my bestie more than my bf. but its not like the with him. he takes care of everything before me. I just think I'm in love with the wrong person. it going horribly wrong lol but hey its cool :-)

  • Pia by Pia, Texas
  • 13 years ago

I can relate to this I came to terms that I fell in love with my guy friend in my 2nd year of high school. I kept my feelings to myself because not 1 but 2 of my girlfriends liked him as well. I figured I wouldn't have chance, he turned one down and got with the other for a bit then they broke up after awhile. He moved during summer break and sent me a gift for Christmas( it was a necklace that was/is my style) but I still couldn't confess to him my feelings. It's been almost 7 years now and we're still friends and I'm still in love with him even though we haven't seen one another for long time. I can't confess to him now cause it feels like it's been too long and I don't want to lose his friendship.

  • Helen by Helen, South Africa
  • 13 years ago

I really love this poem... I'm 14.... I'm in love with this guy, I'm mad about him but he doesn't know it......only if I had the guts to tell him in person...Bryan if you see this just know that I love you....I hope you feel the same...well I doubt it, that you feel the same

  • Jhieanne by Jhieanne, Philippines
  • 13 years ago

I too, like everyone in here can totally relate to this poem. I and my best friend have known each other for almost 5 years now. We know everything about each other. No secrets. But then, I fell in love with him. I don't know when did this feelings of mine start to grow. All I know is that I can't afford to lose him. I would do everything for him. What I'm struggling right now is that he is in a relationship and I really can see that they both love each other very much. And I don't know what to do coz no matter how I try, I really could feel so much pain and hurt in my heart..
I just hope I could get over him and be the best friend that he want me to be..

  • Jennie by Jennie, Georgia
  • 14 years ago

LOVE this poem! I can totally relate. There's this guy and we're extremely close. I've liked him secretly for the longest time. We date two years ago- it only lasted a week. It was horrible! Well at the end of last year, he told me he liked and I fessed up to liking him. He sweet talked me and hugged me & things were great. But he never asked me out. He told my best friend that he just couldn't ask me. I cried for a week. I told him I was over him but it wasn't true. Now, he's on my mind again. My friend seems to think he likes me,, but I'm not sure.. He has a girlfriend but he is more interested in me. He is a liar,, and very popular. I want to tell him how I feel but I'm scared that I will get hurt.. I just wish it could be easy liking him like our friendship is!

  • Katelyn by Katelyn, Wisconsin
  • 14 years ago

I love this poem! I have a guy friend and I love him just not like that but I know he has a crush on me. Everytime he sees me with my boyfriend he looks sad and usually walks away. I feel bad about his but I think I really like my boyfriend...

  • Heather by Heather, Colorado
  • 14 years ago

Thank you so much for writing this poem. I am 13 yrs old and I am in love with my best guy friend. He knows I like him but he doesn't want to *mess anything up*. He is my best and almost only friend but it hurts me to see all of the girls he's goes out with except for me.

  • Alexandra by Alexandra, Temecula CA
  • 14 years ago

I am in love with this poem. I am in the exact same position. I was trying to find a poem for a boy that I have been friends with for a long time and I have some serious (Not too serious!) feelings for him. This poem was perfect.
P.S. I am in 5th grade.

  • Julia Kistner by Julia Kistner
  • 14 years ago

I loved this poem so much, I can completely relate to it. I think you should just tell him how you feel. With a heart like yours, how could he say no? Maybe he's been holding back his feelings too. You'll never know until you try. And if he breaks your heart, he didn't deserve you.

  • Angharad by Angharad, UK
  • 14 years ago

This poem has just told my story. I'm 12 and he's 13. I've known him since I was 2. He's in my year, but I have gone to a different school so we barely see each other. He thinks of me as a friend, but I wish he felt the same way I feel about him. He is such a close friend, I'm scared that if I told him how I feel, he might not want to know me anymore. I feel that our friendship is dying and that he will forget about me. That if I don't tell him soon he will think of me as a childhood friend and nothing else. I speak to him about 4 times a week at night, but only by texting.

  • Goshen by Goshen
  • 14 years ago

I love this guy but he sees me as a best friend I always want to tell him but I am afraid so I am still best friends with him and he has no idea that I am in love with him

  • Hey Jude<3 by Hey Jude<3, Mass.
  • 14 years ago

I love my best friend. He's always been there for me, even when we weren't friends. He means everything to me. I know he doesn't love me that way but as long as he loves me in some way I'll be ok. I'll never have a chance but I know I'll always be in his heart somehow.

  • Mandy by Mandy, South Bend
  • 14 years ago

I have grown up with this boy- he was literally born a month after me in the room across from mine. I helped him through his parents divorce, and I have been his friend for forever. We're 13 now and I realized suddenly- I'm in love with him. I don't know how to tell him- I keep imagining us meeting up at the park near our houses and kissing- but my heart aches so badly and I just.. need.. to tell him. " I love you..."

  • Baby Gurl by Baby Gurl, San Antonio
  • 14 years ago

Well I'm seventeen and am madly in love with one of my closest guy friends. His name is Issac, we've been friends since my freshman year, he's now a senior. Well he is eighteen, one year older than me. I feel like this poem has really helped me get the courage to tell him how I feel about him.

  • Sarah by Sarah, New Jersey
  • 14 years ago

I'm 12 years old and I love my best friend he has been there through everything but he likes this beautiful girl and when I look in the mirror I see me a fat ugly girl. So it's kind of hard but I still love him. He took my heart away the first time I saw him which was in first grade. I love him with all my heart but I know I am only 12 and people say I'm to young, but I still believe love at first sight and this was my first love at first sight. I wish I can tell him the truth but I'm scared what he is going to say. He is my best friend and we make fun of each other in a good way. He says he loves me but how do I know its true I just want to figure out how to get him to love me or just to tell him the truth and Nick if your reading this I love you.........

  • Tayler by Tayler, Michigan
  • 14 years ago

Okay I'm 16 years old. I've known my neighbor my whole life, threw out the years are friendship has grown and I obviously fell in love. I've tried other guys but when I'm around him or not I always think of him. He always talks about how he really fell for this girl, I act all cool like oh that's great tell her how you feel, when I'm hiding a secret. I tried telling him once but I told him I was just trying to find comfort after me and a boyfriend separated. He tells me how he is friends with this girl that he loves and how she always goes for stupid guys. When he says this I cant help but to think I love him but he always goes for stupid girls so I'm in the same situation. His whole family thinks me and him are great he just never looks at me or gives me a chance. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm afraid if I tell him are friendship will end forever. :(

  • Jarka by Jarka, Slovakia
  • 14 years ago

I'm in the exactly same position. I love him sooo badly, I know I'd marry him if he asked, without thinking, I know I want to stay with him forever, but he just thinks we're good friends and nothing more - it's so frustrating and it hurts so much, but yet, I can't imagine living without him - even though just like friends :(

  • Yasmin White by Yasmin White
  • 14 years ago

I love this poem xxx

I think most Girls who are best mates with Guys fall in love with the guy cause they want that closeness and everytime your relationships F's up they're the ones who pick up the pieces xx my best mate is called Alex and he's always there for me xx I don't know if I'm in love with him or if I just ... I don't know the words it's like I can tell him anything in the world. I can cry on his shoulders I can trust him to look after me when I drink and that lol xx, but the problem is if I tell my mates it will get back to him cause nothing is secret in my group xx so what do you think xxx

  • Ashley Martinez by Ashley Martinez, Denver Colorado
  • 14 years ago

This also really touched me during the summer my best guy friend said he liked me & a bunch of stuff but he had a girl friend and I didn't really believe him ...&and he is always kind of flirts with me he tells me he loves me but idk if its the truth ..I love him. now him and the girl are broken up and I have a boyfriend. he acts like he likes me and I like him ..just afraid to tell him the truth

  • Leeanna by Leeanna
  • 15 years ago

I Have Liked this Guy for over 7 years but I can't tell him because I am afraid of what might happen. I am going to give him this poem and ask him what he thinks. Then later put it where he will find it I really hope this works.
This poem is the best ever thank you so much for writing it.

  • Ingrid by Ingrid
  • 15 years ago

This story touched me because I am in this exact same position! I totally am in love with my best guy friend but I know he will never like me. If only he knew how I feel about him then maybe he could realize who I am.

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