Best Friend Poem

You're Always By My Side

I wrote this poem in 1975, at 13 years old after I finished a test early.

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This poem describes the type of friendship I've had and continue to have for approximately 12-13 years. We speak every day via texting with a good morning wish and end our night with a good...

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My Best Friend


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2020 with permission of the Author.

Whenever I am lonely,
You're always by my side,
And when I call to you for help,
You never run or hide.

You're with me when I need you.
I hardly have to say,
"I need you now, I'm lonely."
You brighten every day.

When shadows fall so dimly
And crickets no more hide,
I'm not afraid to slumber,
For you'll be there by my side.

You'll be my friend forever,
Making every day more fun,
And I'm glad that you are with me
As another day is done.

A friend is a wondrous thing to have,
An earthly prayer come true,
And daily I give thanks that I
Found such a friend in you.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Keoanna56 by Keoanna56
  • 3 years ago

This poem describes the type of friendship I've had and continue to have for approximately 12-13 years. We speak every day via texting with a good morning wish and end our night with a good night wish. I have trusted this person with things I would normally keep to myself, but I trusted her with the truth. I'm a firm believer of letting someone you care about in and take this friendship for the long haul and being honest about your past and present. This person has opened up to me in the same manner of trust. I don't believe in being in a friendship without admitting things that have happened in your lifetime and vice versa. I am not perfect and want (or need) to let this person know that I have flaws right from the point we became true friends. We have built and taken what God has given us and built a buddy system. This is and has become a sisterly love by choice and not by blood. The amazing part of our friendship is we have never met in person. Thank you to my special friend.

  • Zal,MAS by Zal,MAS
  • 4 years ago

This poem is very nice. It reminds me of my online BFF (which is also my doppleganger). She lives in a different state from my country, but we connect by sending messages to each other. We are so identical in many ways.

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