Faith Poem

Trusting God During Difficult Times

After struggling with life's cares, my eyes were opened to the reality that I was not alone. God is always with us in our trials, and the trials we face mature our faith.

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No Mistakes

© more by Lenora McWhorter

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2022 with permission of the Author.

When my hope fades
and all my dreams die,
and I find no answer
by asking the Lord why,

I just keep on trusting
and hold on to my faith
because our God is just
He makes no mistakes.

When life's storms come
and trials I must face,
when I find no solution
I just rest in God's grace.

When life seems unfair
and more than I can take,
I look up to the Father;
He never makes mistakes.

God knows our struggles,
He sees every bend in the road.
But no mistake is ever made
'cause He weighs every load.


more by Lenora McWhorter

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