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She Is Magic

© more by Caroline White

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2021 with permission of the Author.

She wildly dances
to the beat of her own heart
a strong and fearless protector,
she’s hauntingly beautiful
and dangerously smart.
Eyes filled with oceans
and a glimmer of pain,
but a soul with a compass
that points home
when it rains.
She’s visited darkness
and fought her way back
this girl is a warrior,
her spirit won’t crack.
A sense of humor to balance
how deep her heart bleeds,
she’s a radiant light,
that this dark world needs.
She is poised and she’s polished
but still can be rough,
she is one of a kind,
she is more than enough.



Caroline White is a poet, runner, depression warrior, and mental health advocate. When her father died suddenly from a heart attack, she dealt with depression and anxiety. She turned to running and writing to work her way through that traumatic event. Chasing Myself is her debut poetry book.

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